Thursday, 1 October 2015

Chaffetz demands apology from Kevin McCarthy

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Credit: Wikipedia)

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Credit: Wikipedia)

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the most talked-about candidate to fill resigning Speaker John Boehner’s House leadership shoes, has irked fellow Republicans by referring to Benghazi as an investigation about Hillary Clinton and one that has delivered success to the GOP in terms of her falling presidential poll numbers.

On Fox News, McCarthy, who seems to be the front-runner in the search for a new speaker, said Republicans had succeeded in dwindling her poll numbers because of their lengthy look at her involvement in the 2012 terrorist attack that left four Americans dead.

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“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee,” he said, on Fox. “What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought.”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz responded to the “Situation Room” on CNN, telling host Wolf Blitzer McCarthy needed to apologize.

“[That was an] absolutely inappropriate statement,” he said.

Boehner, who is due to retire from Congress at the end of this month, provided some quick defense for McCarthy, saying in a statement: “This investigation has never been about former Secretary of State Clinton and never will be.”

CNN reported several Republicans were outraged at McCarthy’s statements because they seemed a gift to Democrats who have repeatedly argued the entire Benghazi investigation is just a political witch hunt aimed at tearing down Clinton.

“I might have said it differently,” said Rep. Darrell Issa, to CNN. “Any ancillary political activity that comes out of it is, in fact, not the goal of the committee and is not what the committee is seeking to do.”

And Rep. Justin Amash said bluntly: “I totally disagree with those comments.”

He also said the comments could “be a concern” to McCarthy, 50, as he faces a bid for the speaker slot.

A spokesman for McCarthy said the Benghazi investigation has in fact focused solely on the facts, not the politics.

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“These inquiries have nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the consequences of what the former secretary has done and her confusing, conflicting and demonstrably false responses,” said spokesman Matt Sparks, CNN reported.



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