Thursday, 29 October 2015

This is what ‘mission creep’ looks like

“As your commander in chief, I will not commit you and the rest of our armed forces to fighting another ground war in Iraq. After a decade of massive ground deployments it is more effective to use our unique capabilities in support of partners on the ground so they can secure their own countries’ futures. And that is the only solution that will succeed over the long term.” – Barack Obama, Sept. 17, 2014, in an address at McDill Air Force Base

In the District of Criminals, history began yesterday. Anything prior to that did not happen. The memory hole there is wide and deep.

Despite repeated promises by the undocumented usurper currently despoiling the People’s House that he would not engage the U.S. in another ground war, the ongoing sham “war” on ISIS has taken another turn — and not a good one.

The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday: “The White House is seriously considering deploying a small squadron of Apache attack helicopters to Iraq as part of a package of new assistance programs to counter Islamic State, according to U.S. officials. The move could ultimately require the deployment of hundreds more U.S. service members to Iraq. Among other proposals, U.S. officials said some in the military recommend openly deploying a small number of forces on the ground in Syria, embedded among moderate rebels or Kurdish forces there, for the first time … Defense Secretary Ash Carter has signaled a willingness to deepen the military commitment to the region.”

Already, “ground troops” have seen combat action in Iraq, despite the Obama administration’s protests that what happened wasn’t combat. A joint U.S.-Kurdish operation in Hawaija, Iraq, freed 70 ISIS hostages. One American, Special Forces Master Sgt. Josua Wheeler, died from injuries suffered in a gun battle. He’s the first U.S. service member to be killed in Iraq since 2011.

As I have told you many times, the U.S. is in a state of perpetual war and has been since the administration of Bush, the elder, double-crossed Saddam Hussein. We are now headed pell-mell toward war with Russia and China.

Zero Hedge summed up the lunacy that is our policy in Iraq and Syria this way:

Alright, so let’s see if we can untangle this. Washington intends to send in the Apaches to bolster Iraqi forces both Peshmerga and otherwise. Or at least that’s what it sounds like. The Pentagon is also considering the placement of American ground troops with “moderate” rebels and with the YPG in Syria.

As we’ve detailed extensively (and this isn’t exactly a secret), Iran effectively runs the Iraqi military via its various Shiite militia proxy armies. That’s not an exaggeration. As Reuters reported earlier this month, “the Fifth Iraqi Army Division now reports to the militias’ chain of command, not to the military’s, according to several U.S. and coalition military officials.” So when the Apaches and their crews aren’t supporting the Kurds, they’ll be openly supporting Iran-backed fighters.

Ok, fine.

Only that isn’t at all consistent with placing US ground troops with Syria’s “moderate rebels” like the Free Syrian Army because after all, they’re fighting the very same Iran-backed Shiite militias. So the US would be bolstering the militiamen in Iraq with Apache gunship support and then firing on those exact same militiamen across the border in Syria in support of the “moderate” rebels battling to oust the Assad regime.

It’s beyond absurd.

And then of course there’s the whole Kurd/Turkey problem. The US is, i) fighting alongside the Peshmerga in Iraq and intends to support them going forward with Apache helicopters, ii) paradropping guns and ammo to the YPG in Syria (as part of a ridiculous ruse that involves the largely made-up SAC mentioned above by WSJ), and now iii) may even send in ground troops to fight with the YPG. But Turkey just bombed the YPG yesterday. Additionally, the US is flying sorties from Incirlik which sets up the insanely ridiculous possibility that if the US embeds troops with the Syrian Kurds, US jets could be taking off from the same base as Turkish warplanes only the US warplanes would be supporting the YPG while Turkish warplanes bomb them.

So, yeah. This is should all go swimmingly.

Finally, there’s the possibility that if the US puts boots on the ground in Syria in support of the “moderate” rebels, those troops will be killed by Russia and Iran (which Dunford said on Tuesday likely has “more than 1,000 [soldiers] on the ground in Iraq [and] something less than 2,000 in Syria”)…

And this passes in the District of Criminals as a “sane” foreign policy. Meanwhile, lest anyone forget that the U.S. orchestrated a coup in Ukraine and there is still a “war” going on there; NATO is plotting beefing up troop strength along the Russian border.

“Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pfifer said that reports of Nato considering sending soldiers is a sign that Russia is now viewed “not as the partner we’d hoped for over the past 20-odd years, but more as a potential adversary,” The UK Mirror reported yesterday.

And in the South China Sea, Obama sent a warship on a drive-by of the artificial islands China has been building in the disputed area. The Chinese ambassador to the United States told CNN the patrol was “a very serious provocation, politically and militarily.”

Why is the peace prize president provoking a global World War III conflagration?

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