Saturday, 31 October 2015

Stunning warning: War coming to Europe


With millions of Muslim migrants pouring into Europe, some experts are warning the continent faces a future of revolution, civil war or surrender to Islamic rule.

Author, WND columnist and anti-Shariah campaigner Pamela Geller thinks it is already too late. Asked if she thought it would come to civil war in Europe, Geller told WND, “Yes, I do.”

She’s not alone.

“If the European political establishment maintains its stranglehold on power, it seems unavoidable that Islam will continue to build a political presence that will ultimately lead to Muslim uprisings and a European reaction outside of accepted political channels,” said G.M. Davis.

Davis, a Stanford Ph.D. and the author of “House of War: Islam’s Jihad Against the World,” believes the only way the problem could be solved peacefully is through “an effective anti-Islamic political movement” taking shape in Europe “within a generation.”

The situation in Europe already seems to be spiraling out of control. Austrians are stocking up on weapons, and intelligence analysts warn of an imminent terrorist attack in the United Kingdom.

Meanwhile, European governments are cracking down on their own populations, even as tens of thousands of Muslim men are marching through the countryside like an invading army.

Davis argues if mainstream political forces are not able to quell the continuous influx of Muslim migrants into Europe, “grassroots organizations” will take up the “defense of Europe.”

He told WND: “They would be acting in defiance of their respective governments, which could spark wholesale abandonment of those governments by their populations. We saw this in Communist Eastern Europe in 1989-91 with the key difference being that violence would be very much widespread [this time].”

Diana West, a WND columnist and the author of “The Death of the Grown-Up: How America’s Arrested Development is Bringing Down Western Civilization,” says the real enemy Europeans face isn’t invading Muslims. It’s their own governments.

She explains: “These governments have rejected their own most basic responsibilities to safeguard and perpetuate their own peoples, religions, native cultures, law, public safety, homelands – everything except the One World ‘multicultural’ (read: non-Western) ideology. It’s staggering to behold this overt rush to abandon sovereignty and everything else for globalist prerogatives. Their template, Marxist in origin, is perhaps best described as ‘forced diversity.’”

West charges states such as Germany and Sweden are “in effect overthrowing their own peoples.”

However, she believes civil war is unlikely, because Western governments have too many repressive tools at their disposal.

“These are already surveillance states bristling with mechanisms of coercion and enforcement,” she observed. “I am afraid, ultimately, capitulation is more likely to be the more common reaction in nations already hosting growing and new Islamic blocs.”

West chronicled how the “subversive Marxist conditioning of so many past decades” have prepared Europeans for life in a post-Western society. Although some Germans have even been evicted to make room for refugees and terrible costs have been imposed on native Europeans, West summarizes their reactions as “docile overall, helpless.”

She believes Europeans are “very upset, but not full of any of the kind of fire that you might expect – or hope for.”

The relative passivity is a product of Europe’s bloody history and Christian religious background, she said.

“The natural tendencies of Christian and post-Christian Europeans are peaceable; the sorts of ideologies that led to such copious bloodshed during the last hundred years hold little appeal, which is one of the reasons that it is so hard for Europeans today to face the reality that they are under attack again by such an ideology,” Davis stated.

“The situation with Islam that seems to be unfolding suggests what happened with the rise of communism and Nazism: because no one wants to face the possibility of having to use force to suppress such an ideology – and force is an undeniable possibility – then no one will recognize the nature of the problem itself.”

The result is a Europe essentially doomed to inaction by its own democratic practices until it is too late.

Davis grimly observed, “Any defense of Europe will have to be democratic in the sense of being popular, but it seems increasingly unlikely that such a defense can be mounted within established political channels or be peaceful.”

Geller believes European elites have all but made it illegal for Europeans to oppose their own dispossession.

“[Opponents to Muslim migration] would have used peaceful and democratic means, and still would, but those means are increasingly closed off to them by the elites,” she told WND.

The battle lines for future struggles in Europe are already being drawn, both in neighborhoods and between nations. Davis argues Muslims are already creating communities that operate as autonomous zones separate from the larger European society.

He told WND: “Already we have seen a tendency throughout Europe for Islamic communities to dominate certain urban areas and to apply pressure to the native inhabitants to move away. Muslims are hardly the first immigrant group to do this, and there are divisions within Muslim communities themselves, but the complicating factor is invariably the political nature of Islam itself, which understands its mission to rule territory for Allah and subordinate all other legal, religious, and social norms.”

The result could be outright military conflict with the cities of Europe itself.

“As Muslim communities grow and become more politically established, they will attract more Muslims from elsewhere and push away more natives, thus encouraging a cycle of separation and division,” said Davis.

“I believe, in time, this is likely to degenerate into some form of civil war. Where the battle lines will ultimately be drawn is anyone’s guess, but at this point it looks as though they will run through many of Europe’s urban centers.”

However, some nations are still trying to avoid the problem of mass immigration entirely. The unofficial leader of this movement is Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, whom Geller describes as one of the few European leaders acting appropriately.

“He is right in holding the line,” she said.

West echoes the praise.

“Orban has, to date, been able to reject or deflect with great success this mainly Muslim, mainly male, mainly non-’refugee’ invasion and reassert his nation’s sovereignty, Christian roots and Western soul,” West said. “For this he is widely and loudly excoriated as a ‘xenophobe’ and ‘populist,’ but what he really is is a patriot. Fences work. Western civilization is worth defending. Seems very reflexive, but in our times, this is ‘outlier’ stuff.”

West also sees some hope in other European nations with the rise of what she calls “brave, mature political parties on the right who do speak for the survival of what we should probably start thinking about as the indigenous cultures of Europe.”

She also sees victories in Hungary, Poland and other Eastern European states by forces hostile to the European Union as a “revolution against the dictatorial central control of the EU and Germany.”

However, West still believes the overall outlook is grim.

“Powerful Germany has done everything to trigger, prolong and ‘normalize’ this invasion, all in perfect accord with the unelected, unaccountable European Union bosses,” West said. “And happy democratic talk aside, the anti-democratic or even totalitarian forces in Europe are much stronger. In most cases, they rule or their opposition is weak.”

In the long term, she observes, demographics are destiny.

“With the ongoing inflow of tens of thousands of mainly Muslim men every week, political mechanisms of change to reverse this migration become less efficient, even in the best case scenario.”

Geller believes “some” Europeans will fight back. West says she is more “despairing” of the situation. And if there is not resistance, the end result is a totalitarian, Islamic Europe combining the worst elements of leftism and Shariah law.

“Given the way Islam has always functioned, ‘forced diversity’ is just a stage along the way to complete Islamization,” she warned. “We are advancing along a continuum of convergence by which the Free World ultimately disappears into a collectivist, totalitarian superstructure ruling over masses of people no longer capable of self-government.”


from PropagandaGuard

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