Wednesday 22 June 2016

Trump only hit ‘tip of the iceberg’ on Hillary

HIllary Clinton

HIllary Clinton

Donald Trump blasted rival Hillary Clinton in a blockbuster speech Wednesday morning as the presumptive Republican nominee retooled his campaign for the general election.

Yet Dolly Kyle, “Billy” Clinton’s childhood friend and former lover, suggested Trump did not go far enough in attacking Hillary Clinton’s record of corruption.

“I thought his speech was very good and he covered a lot of the topics that I would have covered,” Kyle told WND. “But I would have to say that he covered the tip of the iceberg.”

Kyle suggested Hillary Rodham Clinton’s real history is even worse than Trump suggested, and she praised Trump for referring his supporters to resources which will help them find out the full story.

“By mentioning the book ‘Clinton Cash,’ he provided a way for the American people to find out more about the specific allegations,” Kyle said. “My book, ‘Hillary: The Other Woman,’ also gives information on all of these topics because past is prologue. What she’s done in the past is what she’s doing now and what she would be doing in the future. I commend Trump for making so many good points and all of them need to be elaborated on in the media.”

Ripping Hillary Clinton as a “world class liar,” Trump attacked her support for trade deals which cost American jobs, the former secretary of state’s support for “regime change” in Syria, and her ties to special interests on Wall Street.

Despite his scathing rhetoric, Trump largely avoided attacking Hillary and Bill Clinton’s treatment of women.

Kyle said she hopes that will change.

“I think looking at her treatment of women is crucial to understanding who this hypocritical liar, Hillary Rodham Clinton, really is,” said Kyle. “It’s interesting, you look at her website, you look at her speeches, you look at the emails she sends out, I’ve never known anyone to use the word ‘fight’ as much as Hillary does. This is one angry, angry woman who always has ‘fight’ on the tip of her tongue, ever since she started attacking women who had relationships with Billy. She is projecting all of this ‘fight’ stuff on everyone else. She’s this paranoid person who thinks everyone else in the world is like her and it’s frightening because all she’s ever been interested in is her own power.”

Rush Limbaugh hailed the speech, saying his listeners were calling Trump’s address a “home run.” The talk radio titan also referenced Dolly Kyle as a possible source for the next time Trump decides to attack the Clintons’ record.

“Here, this is a great question to ask,” said Limbaugh. “We continue to get this. Like the latest is Dolly Kyle. We continue to get women popping up all over this country describing affairs they’ve had with Bill Clinton. Could somebody explain to me, why does Bill Clinton get the benefit of the doubt [from the media] on that?”

The NATIONWIDE SENSATION which is rocking the 2016 election. “Hillary: The Other Woman,” the explosive new book exposing the horrible history of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Available now at the WND Superstore.

Kyle’s explosive book chronicles the author’s long personal involvement with “Billy” Clinton, as well as her encounters with the young Hillary Rodham. Kyle had a scathing analysis of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s character based on her experiences with the woman.

“Her life is about power and money, and money and power and more and more of both,” she said. “She is addicted to this. There will be no end to it. All the money the Clinton Foundation got was not enough. Receiving huge amounts of money for the Clinton Foundation so she could sell out our uranium interests to Russia is not enough. Having her brother profit from the horrible situation in Haiti after the hurricane is not enough. It will never be enough! An addict never gets enough.”

Kyle believes Hillary Clinton’s “addiction” to power comes from a place of deep insecurity.

“This is a person who has no real accomplishments of her own,” Kyle pronounced. “She wanted to be in power and that’s why she went to Washington D.C., as soon as she got out of Yale Law School. What she didn’t count on was failing the Washington D.C., bar exam. What she didn’t count on was that her lack of integrity would result in her not getting a letter of recommendation from her boss to get another job. She ended up relying on the coattails of Billy Clinton because that was the best option she had.”

Not surprisingly, Kyle believes Clinton is incapable of not using whatever position of power she has for personal gain.

“If you look at the list of things that have happened, Saudi Arabia gave $10 million to the Clinton Foundation and the Boeing Corporation gave hundreds of thousands, Hillary Clinton turned around as secretary of state and approved tens of billions of dollars worth of arms deals for Saudi Arabia,” Kyle observed. “This is just one of the many, many cases I outline in my book. And Trump needs to keep opening up on all of these lines of attack.”

The NATIONWIDE SENSATION which is rocking the 2016 election. “Hillary: The Other Woman,” the explosive new book exposing the horrible history of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Available now at the WND Superstore.


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