Wednesday 22 June 2016

Obama ‘picking off’ counter-terror agents who resist PC agenda

President Obama

In support of a politically correct counter-terrorism policy that puts the fear of offending Muslims ahead of national security, the Obama administration has systematically removed subject-matter experts in Islam and counter-terrorism, according to a former Department of Homeland Security officer who endured nine investigations by his agency and the Department of Justice.

“What they did is they went after the subject matter experts in the Department of Defense, in the Pentagon, in the FBI, and in my agency,” said Philip Haney, the co-author of “See Something, Say Nothing”.

“They picked us off kind of one by one. Discredited them, marginalized them, fired them, and oftentimes publicly rebuked them, all for doing the jobs they were told to do, which is basically teaching counter-terrorism classes to personnel within each one of their respective agencies.”

In an interview with the “Understanding the Times” radio show hosted by Jan Markell, Haney said while political correctness affected the Bush administration, things “really started to change fast” once Obama took over.

Haney described an atmosphere of intimidation directed against national security professionals who took the threat of terrorism seriously.

“I always followed the chain of command,” Haney said. “But about the year 2009 I was ordered directly from headquarters to start – the word was ‘modifying’ – all the records I had put in on the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States. There were more than 800 of them.”

Has our own government already surrendered to Islamic jihad? A national security insider uncovers the terrible truth. Philip Haney’s “See Something, Say Nothing” is available now from the WND Superstore.

Haney said he was “badly traumatized” by these kinds of orders. As a former investigator at the National Targeting Center, he specialized in seeking out the networks behind terrorist attacks. His investigations included some of the networks involved in the San Bernardino terrorist attack, a story he tells in “See Something, Say Nothing.”

However, the national security professional found that under Obama he had to protect his own job and reputation as well as help protect America.

“I was very concerned about making a misstep and being discredited,” Haney said. “Because if the administration had found a way to discredit me along the way, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. They would simply say he was investigated and he was in violation of this code or that code and that’s that.

“That’s what I had to deal with,” he said. “It’s like being on a high wire and there’s no net and there’s somebody shaking it up and down, deliberately trying to make me fall off.”

Haney argued the security of the United States is in danger because of the Obama administration’s unwillingness or inability to track potential terrorists and enforce immigration laws. He cited the administration’s failure to track thousands of foreigners already inside the United States whose visas have been revoked because of ties to terrorism as a critical example.

“We have 10,000 individuals in the country whose visas were retroactively canceled because of links to terrorism, and now we don’t know where they are,” Haney said. “I would say that proves my case beyond doubt.

“We don’t know where they are. That shows one of the major flaws in the vetting system, the whole law enforcement system as it is structured right now. People come here and they disappear. And we don’t seem to have any way of following up with them and keeping track of them. And that is an ominous development in the whole system.”

Honor system

Haney cited two other key flaws in the Obama administration’s approach to national security.

“Another one is the porous border in both the north and the south, with people literally climbing the fences to get in,” he said. “Another is the failure to properly vet individuals who have never entered the country yet but end up being given a visa to enter the country. And within that is the visa waiver system.”

He noted that 28 countries “have essentially an honor system where we trust them to provide us with the correct information.”

“So there are three major avenues of entry in the United States that have major gaps and holes,” he said.

Haney said the controversy over Donald Trump’s proposal to temporarily halt immigration of Muslims until the vetting system can be fixed misses the point.

“The word Trump used was temporary, and that’s something that appears to have been overlooked in all of the noise about that statement,” argued Haney. “He didn’t say permanent.”

The veteran counter-terrorism analyst instead argued there is a larger issue at stake – dereliction of duty by the Obama administration and Congress.

He pointed out that the “first level of responsibility” to address the border problem belongs to Congress.

“Congress passes laws and the executive branch’s duty in the checks and balances system that we have is to enforce the law,” he noted. “Both sides of the fence are not really fulfilling their constitutional obligations. And Donald Trump shouldn’t have had really to say anything about that. It should have been the responsibility of both Congress and the executive branch to address that a long time ago. Not turn around and cynically blame Donald Trump because he’s expressing a concern about the wide open holes on our border.”

He urged the people responsible for the nation’s security to fulfill the oath they took.

“Our government officials, their first duty is to protect our citizens from threats both foreign and domestic,” he said. “And when you have these wide open avenues, these officials are breaching their responsibilities, they’re abrogating their duty and they’re not upholding their constitutional oath to protect the citizens of America. That should be their primary, first and foremost goal.”

He said civil rights and civil liberties “are noble concepts but not at the expense of the freedom and safety of our citizens here in America.”

Haney suggested Americans need nothing less than a “revival” of the timeless principles on which the United States was founded.

And Christians, he said, have an important role to play.

“We need to have a revival in our country, a secular revival if you will, that goes back to the fundamental teachings of the Constitution,” Haney said. “As far as the faith community, we also need to have a revival in standing up for absolute truths. We have to stand up for those truths that are self-evident and for those liberties that our creator endowed us with. He gave them to us for a reason. And He calls on us to stand up and expose the darkness. That’s our responsibility as a community of faith.”

Has our own government already surrendered to Islamic jihad? A national security insider uncovers the terrible truth. Philip Haney’s “See Something, Say Nothing” is available now from the WND Superstore.

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