Huma Abedin
Hillary Clinton’s top aide expressed frustration at her former boss’ use of her private email server to conduct State Department business, noting that it interfered with the then secretary’s ability to do her job, according to documents published Wednesday.
Judicial Watch released the deposition transcript of Huma Abedin, former deputy chief of staff to Hillary Clinton throughout her four years as secretary of state and who also had an email account on the system. The deposition transcript is available here.
Abedin, who is curently vice chairwoman of Clinton’s presidential campaign, was deposed by attorneys for Judicial Watch in a Freedom of Information lawsuit that seeks records covering the employment status of Abedin. The lawsuit was reopened following revelations about Hillary Clinton’s private email server and her conducting of official business on her personal account.
Abedin was questioned about a November 2012 email she sent Clinton saying they “should talk about putting you on state email or releasing your email address to the department so you are not going to spam.” The context of the message was a missed scheduled phone call due to a missed message that was directed to spam.
Abedin’s attempt to prevent further communication mishaps was rejected by Clinton, who responded she could get a “separate address or device” for State Department messages, but she didn’t “want any risk of the personal being accessible,” according to the e-mail chain, reported Bloomberg News. Abedin answered that missing important messages was “not a good system.”
Commenting on the exchange in her deposition, Abedin said Clinton seemed frustrated with being “not being able to do her job” because of the email arrangement. “I seem frustrated back because I’m not [able to do my job].”
Abedin, who was described by witnesses as “cooperative,” said Clinton’s reference to “the personal” regarded personal messages exchanged with others and not any inappropriate handling of government documents.
“I would imagine anybody who has personal e-mail doesn’t want that personal e-mail to be read by anybody else,” she noted in the transcript.
Abedin said the decision to use the private email server was Clinton’s. Clinton, like many members of the Senate used private email accounts while she served in the Senate, and Abedin said she saw use of as a continuation of the same practice when Clinton moved to the State Department. Abedin said Clinton did not have an official Senate email account or even an official Clinton-campaign address in 2008.
Abedin, Chelsea Clinton and a few other aides were given email accounts on the private server.
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Abedin acknowledged using for official business, but said she generally used her official account. State Department personnel would communicate with her at when there were problems with the system. When asked if Clinton ever objected to her using to conduct State Department business, Abedin answered, “No, not that I remember. No.”
Abedin testified that while she was at the State Department, she had not been advised against using a personal email account, nor did she believe Clinton had been so advised.
“I don’t remember a specific conversation with somebody – with somebody telling – telling me that,” said Abedin. “And I assumed it was okay to do. I don’t – as I’ve stated earlier, my practice was to use for my work e-mail.
“Did I think I wasn’t allowed to use Clinton e-mail? No. I thought I – I thought that was permitted. But my – my practice was to use”
Judicial Watch released a collection of Abedin-Clinton emails Monday that revealed messages that had not been included in 2014 when Clinton claimed to have turned over “all potentially work-related emails.”
Tom Fitton, president of Jusicial Watch, said the disparity showed Clinton “did not turn over all” records she had.
“I keep on asking, What else is out there?” Fitton said.
from PropagandaGuard

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