An Internet application supposedly designed to call out anti-Semitism online actually looks more like a left-wing smear, as the database of supposed “Nazis” includes Donald Trump, Jews such as Pamela Geller, family values groups – and even WND.
The “Nazi Detector,”an app available for Google Chrome, automatically places swastikas next to the names of certain individuals identified in a database. Creator Daniel Sieradski (@selfagency) claims the app targets “xenophobic ultra-nationalist, white nationalist, white supremacist, antisemite, ‘anti-Islam’ extremist, [and] other forms of racist trash.”
However, the master list of the individuals and groups included reveals several people who it is difficult to call anti-Semites or Nazis. Among them is anti-terrorist campaigner Pamela Geller, who is Jewish.
Geller told WND she is disgusted by her inclusion in the database.
“It would be laughable if it weren’t so evil,” she said. “My work is dedicated to defending the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, individual rights, and equality of rights for all. That’s Nazi?”
WND itself is also identified as a “Nazi” group. WND founder Joseph Farah reacted with outrage.
“The left loves to label its opposition as Nazis,” he said scornfully. “It’s disgusting in so many ways – from trivializing the unique horror that Nazis inflicted on their innocent victims to scapegoating and criminalizing political differences just as the Nazis themselves did.
“Nazism was a form of socialism, which I oppose. It’s a form of totalitarianism, which I oppose. It’s a form of state terror, which I oppose. How many of those things do leftists actually oppose?”
Geller, author of “Stop the Islamization of America” and previously a WND columnist, called her inclusion especially offensive because of her Jewish heritage and anti-genocide nature of her activism today.
“My people were annihilated by the Nazis,” she said. “My work is dedicated to stopping history from repeating this monstrous savagery. But this is typical of the left. They can’t meet those who oppose their authoritarianism and pro-jihad policies on a level playing field – they can’t refute our arguments. All they can do is smear and defame us and try to marginalize us altogether.”
WND’s 2015 Woman of the Year is here to tell you how to resist militant Islam. “Stop The Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance” by Pamela Geller. Available now at the WND Superstore.
Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is identified as a Nazi by the app, although his daughter, Ivanka, is a prominent convert to Judaism. Some family values and pro-Christian groups are listed in the database, including the Family Research Council and the Traditional Values Coalition. Ann Coulter, author of “Adios America” and a columnist whose work is featured at WND, is also included. Libertarian commentator and political activist Lauren Southern is another center-right activist smeared as a “Nazi” by the program.
Breitbart Tech editor and activist Milo Yiannopoulos is specifically attacked through the application, with his name changed to “Human Trashfire” bracketed by swastikas. Yiannopoulos is a homosexual who has also stated he is of partially Jewish descent.
Geller argued whatever Sieradski’s intentions, the app’s supposed function is rendered pointless because of the inclusion of so many figures who can’t plausibly be called anti-Semitic or racist.
“The left has poisoned the public discourse by making genuine discussion and debate impossible,” she said. “They’re determined to demonize, and ultimately criminalize, all opposition to their sinister agenda.”
The “Nazi Detector” is based on the “Coincidence Detector,” another app for Google Chrome which automatically put parentheses around Jewish names designed to represent “echoes.” The “echo” meme was created by the blog The Right Stuff in an attempt to draw attention to what the blog’s authors said was disproportionate Jewish involvement in left-wing movements and causes.
After several Jewish reporters said they were “targeted” with the parentheses online, a spate of articles revealed the supposedly “secret symbol” used to “identify and target Jews.” The “Coincidence Detector” was promptly removed from the Chrome App marketplace, though the “Nazi Detector” remains available.
Some Jewish writers expressed discomfort about the “creepy” and anti-Semitic “Coincidence Detector” because of the “dark, murderous history to the practice of maintaining lists of Jews.”
In contrast, Sieradski complains, “Nazi idiots … think this is really funny and are proudly announcing their inclusion or seeking inclusion on this list.”
However, many of these “Nazis” Sieradski opposes, unlike figures such as Geller or the Jewish reporters identified through the “Coincidence Detector,” are simply anonymous users on Twitter.
In an interview with the Jewish newspaper Forward, Sieradski defended the app and condemned the presumptive Republican nominee. He claimed Donald Trump speaks about “Muslims and other people of color the way Hitler talked about us in the lead-up to the Shoah.”
But Geller scoffed at the implication the “Nazi Detector” represented a meaningful attempt to defend Jews. She also reacted harshly to the implication there is no legitimate threat to Jews from radical Islam.
“Who watches these watchdogs?” she asked. “These self-appointed watchmen only find ‘hate’ on the right – never among leftists or jihadis. They have no credibility in reality, despite the mainstream media’s relentless flacking for them. But when it comes to Islam, they see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
“Their hypocrisy is obvious, inexcusable and evil. It’s as if they yearn for the days when Jews were rounded up and exterminated en masse – why else do the bidding of Jew haters?”
WND’s 2015 Woman of the Year is hear to tell you how to resist militant Islam. “Stop The Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance” by Pamela Geller. Available now at the WND Superstore.
from PropagandaGuard

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