In my article Brexit: Global Trigger Event, Fake Out Or Something Else?, published before the U.K. referendum vote, I outlined numerous reasons why I believed the Brexit was likely to pass. As far as I know, I was one of very few analysts that stuck to my call of a successful Brexit right up until the day of the referendum instead of slowly backing away as the pressure of conflicting polls increased. My prediction was verified that evening.
In my post-Brexit commentary, which can be read here, I then outlined why so many analysts in the mainstream and even in the liberty movement were caught completely unaware by the referendum results. Today, however, I now see hundreds of analysts using the same talking points I argued before the Brexit, but still missing the first and most vital underlying truth. The core reason why I was able to discern the Brexit outcome was because I accepted the reality that the Brexit does not hurt globalists — in the long run, it actually helps them.
Now, I fully understand the excitement surrounding this event. For many people it was a complete surprise because they assumed that international financiers and the ever-pervasive global elites would do anything to stop it from happening. It feels like a kind of revolution; a pointy stick in the eye of the beast. While I applaud the people of the U.K. for their ongoing battle for sovereignty, I can assure you that the Brexit is not an obstacle to the plans of globalists.
I would remind readers that it was actually pro-EU puppet David Cameron himself that presented the prospect of a referendum to exit the EU. While some may argue this was bungling on the part of Cameron, I think this is a rather foolish notion. Cameron does what he is told like every other elitist owned politician. Furthermore, the behavior of internationalists leading up to the Brexit was rather strange, hinting to me that they were preparing for a surprise Brexit twist.
Globalist financiers like George Soros jumped into the markets and bet vastly in favor of a successful Brexit, indicating prior knowledge. The Federal Reserve’s Janet Yellen used the Brexit as the primary reason for the latest rate hike delay, also indicating she had prior knowledge of its coming passage. And the world’s central bankers all convened in Basel, Switzerland to take marching orders from their masters at the Bank for Internationals Settlements right before Brexit voting commenced, something they most likely would not do if the Brexit was destined to fail rather than prevail.
Not only did the globalists through David Cameron originally introduce the concept of the Brexit vote, they also apparently knew that the U.K. referendum would succeed.
As I originally stated in my prediction article:
“…the failure of the EU does not necessarily mean a failure for the internationalists. For groups of globalists that promote an ideology of Fabian Socialism, a breakdown of the EU, whether partial or total, can be used as leverage for a larger and more centralized global power structure in the long term. Mark my words, when the system comes crashing down (whether after the Brexit or after another trigger event), internationalists will say that the EU failed not because it was centralized, but because it was not centralized enough.”
“If the Brexit succeeds, the globalists can allow the market systems they have been inflating for years to finally crash. They can then blame those dastardly “far-Right extremists” in the U.K. for triggering a domino effect within the global financial system, conveniently scapegoating British conservatives, moderates and sovereigns for a breakdown that was going to happen eventually anyway. Their solution will once again be to argue for the end of “barbaric” conservative principles and install complete centralization and socialism as the cure.”
Already, this narrative is being presented by internationalists in the aftermath of the referendum. Bloomberg writes that the Brexit “casts a dark shadow on the world’s great move to openness,” as if globalism is a bastion principle of free markets rather than the murderer of free markets and the outright tyrannical socialization and centralization of everything. European elites are out in droves admonishing the Brexit as a move towards dangerous nationalism and isolationism. The Chinese premier is in the media warning of a “butterfly effect” in global markets caused by instability in “certain countries,” obviously referring to the U.K. and the EU. His solution? He wants even more “enhanced coordination” among all the economies of the world (Interpretation: more centralization).
In my prediction article I also stated in part reference to the Jo Cox murder:
“…the goal may only be to perpetuate a longer term narrative that conservatives in general are a destructive element of society. We kill, we’re racists, we have an archaic mindset that prevents “progress,” we divide supranational unions, we even destroy global economies. We’re storybook monsters.”
“The murder of Jo Cox has had a minimal effect on Brexit polling numbers. In the end, the elites may find Thomas Mair more useful as a mascot for the Brexit after the vote, rather than before the vote.
So now the Brexit movement, which is conservative in spirit, is labeled a “divisive” and “hateful group”, and if the referendum is triumphant, they will also be called economic saboteurs.”
The concept of a dangerously volatile and destructive populist movement for sovereignty is being heavily pushed in the mainstream media. The racist angle is now being implemented, with the MSM warning that racism is on the rise in the U.K. due to the Brexit campaign.
So, if I am also correct about the motives behind the Brexit as I was correct about the outcome of the Brexit, here is what will probably happen in the coming months as the drama unfolds.
Federal Reserve catch-22
All eyes will soon be on the Fed to see if the central bank behind the world reserve currency will take some kind of action to mitigate the possible negative effects of the Brexit. The problem is, the Fed has created a catch-22 scenario here; not for them, they are happy to instigate an equities crisis as long as the timing is right. Rather, they have created a catch-22 for the markets.
If the Fed raises rates to prove they can, stock markets will see this as a shock move and initiate a sell-off. If the Fed lowers rates or institutes negative rates, the public will see this as an act of desperation and lose faith. Really, the only safe measure the Fed can take from now on is to do nothing. I highly doubt that they will do nothing.
Slow grind towards the U.S. elections
While the Brexit vote is a considerable shock to global markets, and there is a likelihood of referendums in other European nations, I do not believe the Brexit alone is enough to cause the kind of economic crisis the elites are seeking. There needs to be a one-two punch combo here, and the second punch has not arrived yet.
What form will it take? I have no idea. I do believe that with the Brexit drama in full swing, the timing is perfect for certain unstable EU banks, including Deutsche Bank, to announce insolvency. This could be the next moment of shock. That said, there are hundreds of possible trigger events ready and waiting to be exploited.
So far it would appear that equities markets in particular are in for a slow grind down (with sporadic but short lived rallies) going into the U.S. elections. I believe that by the time November arrives the global economy will be in a clear and visible recessionary mode.
A Trump presidency
I’m going to have to call it here and now and predict that the most likely scenario for elections will be a Trump presidency. Trump has consistently warned of a recession during his campaign and with the Brexit dragging markets lower over the next few months, he will probably be proven “prophetic.”
Those who read my articles regularly know that I do not trust Trump and that I think his behavior signals that he is controlled opposition, but this is really beside the point. Even if Trump is a legitimate anti-establishment conservative, his entry into the Oval Office will seal the deal on the economic collapse, and will serve the globalists well. The international banks need only pull the plug on any remaining life support to the existing market system and allow it to fully implode, all while blaming Trump and his conservative supporters.
The mainstream media has been consistently comparing Trump supporters to Brexit supporters, and Trump himself has hitched his political wagon to the Brexit. This fits perfectly with the globalist narrative that populists and conservatives are killing the global economy and placing everyone at risk.
Sovereignty is the villain
Imagine that the economic and political events of our world are for the most part a cleverly staged piece of cinema. The globalists are writing a screenplay for that cinema and we are all supposed to believe that the movie we are watching is real life rather than an engineered fantasy. The Brexit in our story is an act of “evil sovereignty activists” and “right wing extremists” who lure ignorant people away from the light of globalism using “emotion” rather than logic.
These conservatives and populists promote barbaric principles of nationalism that no longer serve humanity in our age of “reason” and multicultural “civility.” Globalism is the future and pro-sovereigns are holding the world back from “progress.”
This will be the narrative pressed in politics and social discussions from now on. The story the globalists are writing is one of the terrorism of selfish freedom movements, how they brought the planet to the verge of complete collapse, and how globalism and collectivism finally “triumphed” and saved humanity.
Divisions between young and old
An interesting and very manipulative propaganda campaign being put in motion around the Brexit is the idea that the U.K. referendum represents a division between older generations and younger generations. The mainstream media argues that older generations in the U.K. that have already benefited from the EU are now “taking it away” from the younger generations and essentially screwing them out of their futures.
Anyone who understands the root failings of the EU and the fact that it has been of the edge of collapse for the past several years knows that such arguments are patently ridiculous. The EU has been beneficial to no one except in minor part to perpetually insolvent nations and peoples. The EU aids these folks by stealing from solvent nations and peoples. The Scottish were extremely anti-Brexit, for example, exactly because they have become a welfare dependent society and they know where their bread is buttered. Most Muslim refugees aren’t flooding into the EU on the premise that that they plan start from scratch and work their way towards prosperity. They march into the EU on the promise of free goodies.
Yes, around 60 percent of younger U.K. voters supported the EU, but around 40 percent did not. To claim that the Brexit was about young versus old is simply a lie, but we should expect that this narrative will be pushed further. The globalists need to own the minds of the next generation, and they hope to do so by blaming all their future economic woes on the kinds of sovereignty movements that voted for the Brexit. The young are often desperate to believe that they are wiser than the old, that new ideas are better than traditional ideas. The elites know this, and are quick to con the young with the concepts of futurism.
The long game
The great weakness among economic analysts and many independent analysts is their refusal to examine the long game of the elites. They become so obsessed with the day to day parade of stock tickers and the month to month central bank policy meetings that they miss the greater trends. We can focus intently on each drop of water that makes up a tidal wave and forget that we are at the edge of the beach staring down death.
The Brexit is part of a globalist long game that is designed to finally and completely demonize freedom movements. Think about it for a moment — what better way to remove the only obstacle in their path? The globalists create an economic crisis and then foster conditions by which their primary opponents (liberty activists) get blamed for it. They then swoop in as the heroes of their little cinema after the damage is already done and offer their solution: complete globalization. With enough people destitute from a global financial calamity, they may very well be begging the elites for help.
I realize this is not what many in the liberty movement want to hear, but this is reality. This does not diminish the value of a British movement for sovereignty, but it does demand that we temper our celebration and recognize when we are being targeted with fourth-generation warfare. If we accept the fact that the Brexit is an event the elites plan to exploit for their own ends, then we can identify the threat and stop it. If we continue the delusion that the Brexit is some kind of slap in their face when it is not, then we allow them yet another weapon in their arsenal of propaganda.
— Brandon Smith
The post Brexit aftermath — here’s what will happen next appeared first on Personal Liberty®.
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