Donald Trump
In what may be a harbinger of things to come this fall, a new national poll released on Thursday reveals support for presumptive GOP candidate Donald Trump at 43 percent, to only 39 percent support for Hillary Clinton, who probably will be the Democratic candidate for president.
The stunning numbers are a complete turnaround from just a week earlier, according to Rasmussen Reports, which released the results.
In response to the question, “If the 2016 presidential election were held today, would you vote for Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton?’ voters broke 43-39 percent for Trump, with 12 percent liking another candidate and five percent undecided.
“Last week at this time, it was Clinton 44 percent, Trump 39 percent,” Rasmussen reported. “This is Trump’s highest level of support in Rasmussen Reports’ matchups with Clinton since last October. His support has been hovering around the 40 percent mark since April, but it remains to be seen whether he’s just having a good week or this actually represents a real move forward among voters.”
Other polls predictably showed other results, including one where the responding public was heavily weighted to Democrats. And polls this far before the November election are simply not binding.
However, the results from Rasmussen indicated that while American remains deeply divided in this presidential election, major segments are moving to align with Trump’s message of “America first,” in opposition to what would be expected to be a third Barack Obama term under Clinton.
“Trump now earns 75 percent support among his fellow Republicans and picks up 14 percent of the Democratic vote,” the report said. “Seventy-six percent (76 percent) of Democrats like Clinton, as do 10 percent of GOP voters. Both candidates face a sizable number of potential defections because of unhappiness with them in their own parties.”
Trump has forged ahead with his protect-the-borders, build-America-up patriotic campaign that has left major GOP establish influences unhappy. Clinton has been beleaguered by claims about her inability to respond to the Benghazi terror attack on Americans, possible charges over her likely illegal email system that she ran while secretary of state as well as the weight of nearly 30 decades of scandals she and her husband have accumulated during their lengthy political careers.
Rasmussen did report Clinton was “relatively unscathed” so far by the Benghazi report that came out of Congrses.
And Trump’s campaign pinnacle over the week was a major speech on jobs and trade that “even the New York Times characterized as ‘perhaps the most forceful case he has made for the crux of his candidacy … that the days of globalism have passed and that a new appraoche is necessary,’” the report said.
“The latest terrorist carnage – this week in Istanbul, Turkey – also may be helping Trump who is arguing for a harsher response to radical Islam than Clinton. Voters remain lukewarm about President Obama’s national security policies and expect more of the same if Clinton moves back into the White House next January,” the report said.
“Trump, if elected, will definitely change things, voters say, but not necessarily for the best.”
The poll of 1,000 likely voters was done June 28-29 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.
The report noted, “The U.S. economy historically has had an average annual growth rate of 3.3 percent but has fallen short of that number in every year of Obama’s presidency. Still, his fellow Democrats give the president positive marks for his economic performance and think Clinton would do more of the same.
Hillary Clinton
“Trump is expected to make the economy better by all voters – except Democrats,” the report said.
Trump leads among men, Clinton among women, they are tied among those under 40 and Trump leads among older voters.
The racial divide is cloudy.
“Clinton continues to hold a wide lead among blacks. Trump leads among whites and other minority voters,” the report said.
Significantly, for those not affiliated with the two major parties, Trump leads by 18 points.
“Clinton has called for more gun control following the recent terrorist killings in an Orlando, Florida nightclub; Trump disagrees. Support for additional gun control has risen to its highest level ever, but voters are evenly divided over whether more gun buying restrictions will help prevent future shootings like the one in Orlando,” the report said. “Fewer voters than ever think the government gives the right amount of attention to the threat of Islamic terrorism here at home.”
from PropagandaGuard

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