The firestorm raging across Europe following last week’s vote in the United Kingdom to leave the E.U. blew into a tumult on Monday when it was revealed that a new “superstate” is being considered under which individuals nations – or possibly former nations – would “lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank,” according to one report.
Britain’s credit rating also took a hit, more parties expressed interest in following the U.K., outgoing Prime Minister David Cameron’s political party was in shambles and Russia described the ruckus as being similar to the breakup of the old Soviet Union.
WND reported on Friday the vote already prompted the resignation announcement by Cameron and the interest expressed by France, the Netherlands and Italy in leaving, too.
Stock markets around the world declined again on Monday, following Friday’s fall that left the U.S. stock market off its highs by about 2 or 3 percent. Monday’s decline was only half that, but still amounted to tens of billions of dollars of value vanished from corporate books and citizens’ retirement accounts.
The nearly 50-year-old union reached no level of stabilization over the weekend and on Monday, the Express reported “the foreign ministers of France and Germany” were revealing “a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states.”
The report said, “Under the radical proposals E.U. countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels.”
The report said the plot “has sparked fury and panic in Poland … after being leaked to Polish news channel TVP Info.”
The report said Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski was raging, “This is not a good solution, of course, because from the time the E.U. was invented a lot has changed.”
The Daily Mail said the presentation came from Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Germany’s foreign minister, and Jean-Marc Ayrault, his French counterpart.
They described it as a way to address the migrant crisis, economic cooperation and security, but in Poland, it was described as an “ultimatum.”
The Mail speculated Britain may have avoided the new “superstate,” through which nations would “transfer their armies, economic systems and border controls to the E.U.”
A report at Vox said the Conservative Party was “in total turmoil” following the vote.
Cameron had opposed the vote to leave but was rejected by his own party, prompting his decision to leave the mess of sorting out the nation’s departure from the coalition to someone else.
“But if anything, Labour is in even greater disarray after the Brexit vote. While the party as a whole supported the ‘Remain’ side, leader Jeremy Corbyn was widely believed to have been ambivalent about staying in the EU and to have pulled his punches in campaigning against an exit. After the vote, more enthusiastically pro-EU Labour members started to vent their frustration,” the report said.
WND columnist Patrick Buchanan pointed out the English people “want to write their own laws and rule themselves.”
“It will all begin to unravel now, over there, and soon over here,” he continued. “Across Europe, tribalism, of all strains, is resurgent. Not only does the EU appear to be breaking up, countries appear about to break up. Scotland will seek a second referendum to leave the U.K. The French National Front of Marine Le Pen and the Dutch Party for Freedom both want out of the EU. As Scots seek to secede from the U.K., Catalonia seeks to secede from Spain, Veneto from Italy, and Flemish nationalists from Belgium.”
He pointed out in the United States, “In the past six months, millions of Democrats voted for a 74-year-old socialist against the establishment choice, Hillary Clinton, as Bush-Romney-Ryan Republicanism was massively repudiated in the Republican primaries.
“As Trump said last week, ‘We got here because we switched from a policy of Americanism – focusing on what’s good for America’s middle class – to a policy of globalism, focusing on how to make money for large corporations who can move their wealth and workers to foreign countries all to the detriment of the American worker and the American economy.’”
The Moscow Times reported Russian President Vladimir Putin said that his nation did not interfere with the English vote.
But the Kommersant newspaper quoted Russian Academy of Sciences foreign policy expert Sergie Utkin, who said, “Brexit can hardly be perceived by the Russian leadership as a negative event.”
“Brexit in the end will temper the ambitions of the European Union concerning foreign policy and encourage a more pragmatic approach to doing business with external partners, including Russia,” Utkin said.
In fact, Bloomberg reported, Putin’s spokesman said the upheaval reminded observers of the 1991 Soviet Union collapse, where a dozen countries emerged from what had been a single power bloc for decades.
“While it’s ‘unreasonable to draw direct parallels,’ it’s obvious that the U.K. is going through a ‘turbulent, confusing and unpredictable period,’ Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call Monday. Russia ‘has gone through the collapse of the Soviet Union and many generations clearly remember the period of the Soviet collapse, that period of uncertainty,’” the report said.
The Washington Post reported a British departure “will make the country poorer in the short run, perhaps in the long run too, and might drag the rest of Europe down with it.”
“That’s because Britain is essentially ripping up its free trade deal with the rest of Europe. But of far greater concern than just dollars and cents is that this is the most significant setback in Europe’s 60-year quest for ‘ever closer union,’ and the most shocking success for the new nationalism sweeping the Western world,” the report said. “Brexit, in other words, is the end of the end of history.”
Two top ratings agencies did decide that Britain no longer was worthy of their top ratings. Reuters said Fitch downgraded by one notch, while Standard & Poor’s dropped it by two grades from “AAA” to “AA.”
In an April visit to the U.K., President Obama had told Britons they should vote to stay.
“The United States wants a strong United Kingdom as a partner. And the United Kingdom is at its best when it’s helping to lead a strong Europe,” he said.
Obama said if the vote was to leave, Americans would work on a trade deal with the EU, and Britain then would drop to the back of the line. He said a deal is “not going to happen anytime soon,” assuming a vote to leave.
Andrew Roberts, writing in the Wall Street Journal, had warned that Obama’s comments were a risk.
“Surely – surely – this is an issue on which the British people, and they alone, have the right to decide, without the intervention of President Obama, who adopted his haughtiest professorial manner when lecturing us to stay in the EU, before making the naked threat that we would be sent ‘to the back of the queue’ (i.e., the back of the line) in any future trade deals if we had the temerity to vote to leave.”
He continued: “Was my country at the back of the line when Winston Churchill promised in 1941 that in the event of a Japanese attack on the U.S., a British declaration of war on Japan would be made within the hour? … Were we at the back of the line on 9/11, or did we step forward immediately and instinctively as the very first of your allies to contribute troops to join you in the expulsion of the Taliban, al-Qaida’s hosts, from power in Afghanistan? … Or in Iraq two years later, was it the French or the Germans or the Belgians who stood and fought and bled beside you? Whatever views you might have over the rights or wrongs of that war, no one can deny that Britain was in its accustomed place: at the front of the line, in the firing line. So it is not right for President Obama now to threaten to send us to the back of the line.”
Following the vote, Obama quickly changed directions, saying, “The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship to ensure continued stability, security, and prosperity for Europe, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the world.”
Now are being raised questions about security, the actual departure and how it will happen, what the stock markets are saying about the plan, and the British pound was down to the point speculators were wondering when it would reach parity with the U.S. dollar.
The Independent, however, had another view. It’s comments were headlined, “Brexit reminds us some things are too important to be decided by the people.”
from PropagandaGuard

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