MIchelle Fields
Michelle Fields, the former Breitbart reporter who moved on to the Huffington Post after filing an assault claim against then-Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, has just released her new book, “Barons of the Beltway: Inside the Princely World of Our Washington Elite – and How to Overthrow Them,” – but Amazon reviews haven’t been kind.
Likely, Trump supporters have taken out their angst against Fields, whom they viewed as deceptive in her claims against Lewandowski – particularly when she said he practically threw her to the ground, a statement that was later debunked by video, as WND previously reported.
And that’s the topic that came up time and again by negative reviewers.
One comment: “This woman has been so thoroughly discredited, that’s it’s baffling that any publisher would put out this book. The first chapter rehashes the Saga of the Elbow touch, with the story of nearly being thrown to the ground – despite several videos that show this to be absolutely untrue.”
Another, beginning with a quote from Fields: “‘Corey Lewandowski grabbed me by the arm and jerked me aside. I lost my balance and nearly fell to the ground.’ Michelle Farce destroyed by Steve Malzberg interview. Doesn’t Michelle know that the incident is recorded for all to see on youtube?”
And another: “I hope there is a zero or negative rating which is appropriate for this ‘book.’ The book had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down.”
And one more: “Not Worth Playing Along With Her Hoax … To Promote Her Book. There is absolutely nothing she has to say that is worth reading or listening to. Her bruises that ‘magically appeared’ was all to promote this book.”
Not all were so critical.
“Politicians Forget They Serve ‘US,’” wrote one, who gave the book a four-star rating. “This is an excellent book that shows how twisted our politicians have become. Basically, our Founding Fathers never intended politicians to become a ruling class. … Well done Michelle Fields.”
But most fell along the line of angry.
“Gutter tripe,” wrote one. “This book was the worst thing that happened to me since my Dad died.”
Another: “This book is total garbage.”
And a glimpse at other comments included “one star,” “not good,” “sad” and “low energy.”
Of the 432 reviews, eight percent came in with five stars, three percent as two- and three-stars, and 89 percent as one star, the lowest rating.
from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/06/28/michelle-fields-book-bombed-by-amazon-reviewers/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/06/28/michelle-fields-book-bombed-by-amazon-reviewers/
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