The Brexit ballot doesn’t mean the people of the United Kingdom didn’t actually pull up stakes and close the door to jolly old England. The 51.9 – 48.1 vote in favor of “leave” won’t end a generation of their sovereignty being shipped overseas like American jobs will be the moment our minimum wage artificially skyrockets to $15/hour. It won’t render the Queen’s subjects as unwelcome on the continent as the flood of Muslim refugees who have turned Europe into a halal hunting ground. It won’t send the global economy into a death spiral reminiscent of Bernie Sanders’s Presidential campaign. Brexit isn’t even legally binding. By saying “no” to continued EU membership, the Brits, Welsh and — to a lesser extent — Scots and Northern Irish have recorded what amounts to a “no confidence” vote. Brexit doesn’t necessarily equate to “exit.”
But Brexit did equate to “exit” for Prime Minister David Cameron. A committed “remain” politician, Cameron called for the referendum in the first place; essentially daring his countrymen to put up or shut up. Like most of the global political elite, Cameron massively underestimated the “bloke on the street’s” disgust at watching national sovereignty subordinated to the whims of people from other countries. Like the bulk of the polling organizations, pundits and his fellow globalists, Cameron shrugged off the concerns about tidal waves of violent Islamic refugees crashing onto their shores while an economic riptide hauled billions of pounds back across the English Channel. He arrogantly presumed his people were either too oblivious or too stupid to notice the EU was devoting considerably more time and money to resettling lunatics like Islamofascist blowhole Anjem Choudary and hordes of “rapefugees” in taxpayer-funded digs down the street than to protecting the rest of the neighborhood from the same. Cameron forgot that patriotism is neither a problem nor a punchline. Most importantly, he forgot that he, like any chief executive, answers to the people, and not the other way around.
Cameron’s political demise didn’t happen in a vacuum, nor should it go unnoticed by his cronies who occupy the proverbial top floor political suites from Berlin to Washington, D.C. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, presiding over a government which now wields the most influence in the EU, is now the face of one-world globalism. It’s too soon to tell if she has taken a break from flooding her own country with violent refugees to consider the perception that a dominant Germany evokes among Europeans who know what happened the last few times a dominant Germany existed in the middle of their continent. Across Europe, other (read: less important) leaders, including French President Francois Hollande, now have a neighbor in a United Kingdom which relates to them less like immediate family and more like a step-sibling. In both France and neighboring nations like Belgium and the Netherlands, the virtually unfettered immigration pushed by the EU’s elitist rulers has created homicidal terrorism the way sitting next to unshielded plutonium causes cancer. Nonetheless, the EU-backing globalists continue to insist that not only is the EU’s survival the only safeguard to its member nations’ survival, but everyone who thinks otherwise is either a hapless dupe, a conniving traitor or a complete moron. Backed by the sneering disrespect which precipitated the “Leave” victory in the Brexit referendum, the same people are now petitioning to overturn Brexit with a second Brexit; the political equivalent of demanding a “do-over” after losing a game.
Russian President Vladimir Putin — already elevated to an unrivaled global position of power by the mewling, cowardly response to his glowering expansionism by mewling, cowardly pols including the aforementioned European heavies and U.S. President Barack Obama — might think himself further empowered; a mistake, considering NATO remains the best party on the block and in no danger of collapse. Putin will likely have to busy himself with taking shirtless photos and invading neighboring countries.
Obama, whose foreign policy has ranged from appeasement to cowardice to outright treason, will be forced to contend with a final few months in office as the most inconsequential lame duck in modern American history. Behind him, disgraced former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been rendered a virtual afterthought, desperately hoping the impending announcement of fake-Native American (and fabulously wealthy, yet anti-wealth) Senator Elizabeth Warren as her running mate will be enough to bolster her increasingly moribund campaign.
And the rest of the left, both at home and abroad? They still hate you, yet still believe that smirking through their cultish sense of their own superiority will somehow sway you to their way of thinking; unaware that that’s precisely the same smug and dismissive attitude which precipitated the growing worldwide rejection of globalism in the first place.
— Ben Crystal
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