Dr. James Dobson, the founder of Family Talk radio, created a stir over the weekend when he revealed in an interview that Donald Trump has become a born again Christian.
Now he’s piling on, warning that the thought of a Hillary Clinton presidency “haunts my nights and days.”
“Hillary scares me to death,” he said in a statement to WND that elaborated on his earlier Trump comments.
Dobson has been in open conflict with the far-leftist policies of Barack Obama, to which Clinton has contributed, over the president’s mandate that employers pay for abortions in their employee health-care plans, at one point addressing the president with, “Come and get me if you must.” He also affirmed that no matter the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion on “same-sex marriage,” a decision praised and celebrated by Obama and Clinton, he would follow the Bible.
He was part of a coalition that posted ads with the statement: “We affirm that marriage, as existing solely between one man and one woman, precedes civil government. Though affirmed, fulfilled and elevated by faith, the truth that marriage can exist only between one man and one woman is not based solely on religion but on the Natural Law, written on the human heart.
“We implore this court to not step outside of its legitimate authority and unleash religious persecution and discrimination against people of faith. We will be forced to choose between the state and our conscience, which is informed by clear biblical and church doctrine and the natural created order.”
Their conclusion?
“We will not honor any decision by the Supreme Court which will force us to violate a clear biblical understanding of marriage as solely the union of one man and one woman.”
WND reported over the weekend on Dobson’s comments during a recorded interview with Pennsylvania pastor Michael Anthony that he knew the person who recently led Trump to Christ, but he has not disclosed who it was.
“[H]e did accept a relationship with Christ,” Dobson said. “I know the person who led him to Christ – that’s fairly recent. “I don’t know when it was, but it has not been long. I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian.”
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In a new statement delivered to WND on Sunday, he elaborated.
“Only the Lord knows the condition of a person’s heart. I can only tell you what I’ve heard. First, Trump appears to be tender to things of the Spirit. I also hear that Paula White has known Trump for years and that she personally led him to Christ. Do I know that for sure? No. Do I know the details of that alleged conversion? I can’t say that I do.
“But there are many Christian leaders who are serving on a faith advisory committee for Trump in the future. I am among them. There are about 45 of us that include Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, Jack Graham, Ben Carson, James Robison, Jerry Johnson, and many others whom you would probably know. We’ve all agreed to serve. How will that play out if Trump becomes president? I don’t know. It is a good start, I would think,” Dobson said.
“If anything, this man is a baby Christian who doesn’t have a clue about how believers think, talk and act,” he continued.
“All I can tell you is that we have only two choices, Hillary or Donald. Hillary scares me to death. And, if Christians stay home because he isn’t a better candidate, Hillary will run the world for perhaps eight years. The very thought of that haunts my nights and days. One thing is sure: We need to be in prayer for our nation at this time of crisis,” he said.
Anthony had posted the interview to his blog Friday.
Trump has not made a point of elaborating on his faith during his political campaign. But he has said the Bible was his favorite book, topping even his own “Art of the Deal.”
It was only a week ago that Dobson – as well as fellow Christian firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann, were included in a special faith advisory panel named by Trump.
That board is to lead “a much larger Faith and Cultural Advisory Committee” that will be announced later this month, the campaign said.
The campaign said the appointments are an expression of Trump’s desire to have access to wise counsel, not necessarily an endorsement of Trump by the individual Christian leaders.
Trump praised the members of the new panel.
“I have such tremendous respect and admiration for this group and I look forward to continuing to talk about the issues important to evangelicals, and all Americans, and the common sense solutions I will implement when I am president,” he said.
The campaign said the executive board members will convene on a regular basis.
from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/06/27/dobson-hillary-to-haunt-u-s-for-years-unless-christians-stop-her/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/06/27/dobson-hillary-to-haunt-u-s-for-years-unless-christians-stop-her/
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