Thursday, 2 June 2016

Fort Riley bounces Delta Force hero from prayer breakfast

Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin

Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin

Retired American Delta Force hero Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin is expressing alarm about the ability of American soldiers to win a war given the fact they were “weeping” over the prospect of him speaking at a coming prayer breakfast.

“I sincerely doubt that America can expect to win wars if the people who are tasked to do so are frightened by an old retired general with biblical views and a testimony of faith,” Boykin told Fox commentator Todd Starnes, who wrote about the alarming situation in his column on Thursday.

The “weeping” reference comes from Mikey Weinstein of the Freedom From Religious Foundation advocacy campaign, who contacted officials at Fort Riley, Kansas, when he discovered Boykin, who once commanded the Army’s elite Delta Force and currently is vice president of Family Research Council, to insist that their plans to have Boykin speak at a prayer breakfast be dropped.

Within a day, military officials there met Weinstein’s demands, announcing the event would be rescheduled with another speaker.

Weinstein complained to the Army Times, “I have clients of ours weeping on the phone about this. [Military officials] have not admitted any fault. They don’t indicate that they are going to investigate how this travesty, this unconstitutional travesty, happened, or their willingness to punish [the offenders] to make sure it doesn’t happen again. And we want all those things.”

Sign the petition demanding an end to the madness! No men in girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms or showers! Just say no!

Weinstein is famous for attacking any reference to Christianity, especially in the military.

But Starnes, in his commentary, had little patience for the histrionics.

“Weeping? Oh, please,” he wrote.

He noted the prayer breakfast was supposed to be June 6 in conjunction with the 1st Infantry Division’s Victory Week.

And Starnes explained the MRFF started protesting May 31 with accusations Boykin was “homophobic, Islamophobic, fundamentalist Christian extremist.”

“He sows hatred and heinous divisiveness with his sickening screed of fundamentalist Christian supremacy, primacy, exclusivity and triumphalism,” Weinstein complained.

“Mr. Weinstein might want to consider cutting back on caffeine – and adjectives,” Starnes wrote. “He went on to label the decorated military hero as a ‘World Class bigot’ and threatened to sue unless Boykin was ejected.”

Starnes said Boykin’s response was that the decision to cancel was “just another reminder of the incredible discrimination against Christians in our armed forces. This should tell you how difficult it is for Christians, and especially chaplains, to live their faith in our military.”

To Starnes, Fort Riley officials blamed a schedule conflict.

“Lt. Gen. (Ret) Boykin’s credentials as a soldier and leader speak for themselves and his 36 years of service to our nation are worthy of our respect,” Starnes was told by base spokesman Mike Lavigne. “However, in an effort to ensure everyone in our broad and very diverse community feels welcome at any event on Fort Riley, we will pursue the invitation of a different speaker for the prayer breakfast once it is rescheduled.”

“Folks, now you know that I deeply admire and respect the Armed Forces – but you could plant a mighty big crop of butter beans with the kind of fertilizer coming out of Fort Riley,” Starnes commented.

Boykin has been a frequent target for anti-Christian organizations. Only days ago, WND reported how critics of his traditional Christian standards and beliefs got him fired from a teaching job at Hampden-Sydney College after the school got complaints about his humorous reaction to the Obama administration’s May 13 order to public schools to have open bathrooms based on students’ “perceived” gender.

That move, however, collapsed in complete failure when college supporters contacted the school and insisted Boykin be restored to his position, which he was after only a few hours.

Boykin had explained that when he joked that “the first man who goes in the restroom with my daughter will not have to worry about surgery,” the “LGBT community once again came after me, claiming that I was calling for violence against ‪#‎transgender‬ people.”

He said his comment “was meant to be humor and not a call for violence, which everyone in my audience understood as humor.”

Sign the petition demanding an end to the madness! No men in girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms or showers! Just say no!


At the time of Boykin’s dismissal, a ConservativeHQ commentary said: “Attempting to intimidate Jerry Boykin is obviously a fool’s errand. With a distinguished career in the military and public service behind him – in addition to commanding the Army’s elite Delta Force he also served as United States Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence – he long ago proved he is immune to intimidation.”

The article said Americans are the targets of “the far-left’s intimidation tactics.”

“What they want to do is intimidate moms and dads out in Real America; they want you to be afraid to oppose allowing men into the women’s restroom, locker room and shower and to sit down, shut up and accept their remaking of American society and culture because you’re afraid of losing your job,” the commentary said.

“And this battle is not and never has been about those few individuals in our society that have ‘transitioned’ from one sex to another. Courts and society have determined that people have the civil right to control their own bodies and appearance, thus changing one’s sexual appearance is allowed, if not universally embraced or recognized as a choice a mentally healthy person would make,” ConservativeHQ said.

“This battle is about the dangerous predators that will use this mandate to accept gender fluidity to enter any place where a woman has the right to expect privacy and security,” it continued.

“This is not about what happened to Gen. Jerry Boykin at one small college in Virginia. The real issue is stopping the insanity that endangers the women and girls that we care about in our lives and standing up to the attempts to normalize the abnormal through the vicious imposition of political correctness in speech and thought.”

Other prominent leaders have been given a pass by activists and media when they “joke” about injuring or killing people.

Obama said in a 2010 speech: “The Jonas Brothers are here. They’re out there somewhere. Sasha and Malia are huge fans. But, boys, don’t get any ideas. I have two words for you – predator drones. You will never see it coming. You think I’m joking.”

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