David French (Credit: Twitter)
David French, the talked-about third party candidate for president – the National Review writer who was supposed to be Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol’s white horse against Donald Trump – announced he would not seek the White House after all.
He said in a piece published at the National Review titled, “I’m Not Running for President,” that “after days of prayer, reflection and serious study of the possibilities, I am not going to run as an independent candidate for president of the United States.”
French was supposedly the “impressive” candidate with the “strong team” and “real chance to win” who was going to take on Trump, according to Kristol and other members of the “Never Trump” movement.
But in the end, French, who also touts an Army background and law degree, declined the post – all the while slamming Trump.
“Here is a sentence I never thought I’d type: After days of prayer, reflection, and serious study of the possibilities, I am not going to run as an independent candidate for president of the United States,” he wrote. “I gave it serious thought – as a pretty darn obscure lawyer, writer, and veteran – only because we live in historic times. Never before have both parties failed so spectacularly, producing two dishonest, deceitful candidates who should be disqualified from running for town council, much less leader of the free world.”
He characterized Clinton as someone who “lies habitually and changes position on virtually every public issue except for her pro-abortion extremism,” French wrote.
But he said similarly of Trump.
“Donald Trump also lies habitually (sometimes minute by minute), and changes position based on his moods,” French wrote. “In one breath, he claims to support working men and women, and then with the next breath he threatens to destroy our economy through trade wars or by playing games with the full faith and creit of the United States.”
from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/06/06/david-french-backs-off-white-house-run-with-slam-of-trump/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/06/06/david-french-backs-off-white-house-run-with-slam-of-trump/
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