Thursday 16 June 2016

Clinton welcomes Trump as ally in gun control measure

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican Party presidential pick, vowed in a tweet to meet with the National Rifle Association to discuss a gun control measure that would prevent anyone on the “no fly” list from buying a firearm – a key piece of legislation that’s been pushed by Democrats for a long timee.

Hillary Clinton responded to Trump’s announcement in an interview with the Huffington Post with this brief statement: “Welcome to the cause.”

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She then added: “This is something I’ve been talking about for a long time.”

The measure to outright restrict anyone whose name is placed on a U.S. “no fly” list from purchasing a gun was being pushed by Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, who filibustered through the night into Thursday morning.

“I’m prepared to stand on this floor and talk about the need for this body to come together on keeping terrorists away from getting guns … for frankly, as long as I can, because I know that we can come together on this issue,” Murphy said, at the beginning of his floor speech that ultimately ran 14 hours, the Hill reported.

Trump, meanwhile, tweeted this: “I will be meeting with the NRA, who has endorsed me, about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list or the no fly list to buy guns.”

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The NRA has opposed such legislation, as well as many in the Republican Party, over concerns it could water down the Second Amendment and even hamper innocent Americans – those who’ve been placed on the list by mistake – from purchasing weapons.

“A mid-level bureaucrat can put anybody on a no-fly list with no due process rights,” said Speaker Paul Ryan, to a Wisconsin newspaper back in December, the Hill found.

Mistakes do occur; in 2008, then-Sen. Ted Kennedy was “misidentified” as someone on the “selectee list” that required “additional security screening before being permitted on board,” reported. And Fox News contributor and Weekly Standard writer Stephen Hayes learned in September 2014 he had been placed on the same “selectee” list.

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