Thursday, 1 October 2015

Trump doubles down: Let Russia lead in Syria

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Donald Trump, front-runner for president in the Republican primary, doubled down on Fox & Friends Thursday morning on his views of Russia’s bombing of Syria, telling the three co-hosts – who seemed shocked at his statements – it’s true, he wants America to sit tight and let President Putin take the lead on the attacks.

“You know the biggest problem I have,” he said, “we don’t know who these rebels are.”

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He was referring to the rebel fighters Russia has reportedly targeted with its just-launched airstrikes over Syria. Russia claims its attacks were intended to take out ISIS. But as Fox News found, the spots Russia bombed were known rebel fighter zones, not ISIS areas, as WND reported.

And U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter has confirmed that view, saying in CNN the strikes from Russia went forth “in areas where there problably were not ISIL forces.”

For that reason, Trump responded to the Russian bombings with a shrug of shoulder, saying in essence: Let it continue.

“They don’t respect our president,” he said, in reference to the Russians in an interview with CNN. “They really don’t respect us anymore. And that’s why they’re doing this [attacking]. At the same time, if they want to hit ISIS, that’s OK with me.”

Fox & Friends co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck expressed surprise during Thursday’s interview with Trump at his view, saying she “could not believe” he would adopt a wait-and-see approach over a more aggressive stance.

But Trump said the slow approach is the only way to go in this situation.

“We’re fighting for rebels, we have no idea who they are … and [they’re] probably going to be worse than what we have right now,” he said. “We don’t know who these rebels are. We’re supposed to be fighting with rebels … [but] is it worse than [Syrian President Bashar] Assad?”

Trump also predicted Russia was heading into a quagmire, akin to the country’s long, drawn-out and costly conflict in Afghanistan. And in the end, he said, “you watch, I bet they’re going to get bogged down.”

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He went on: “You don’t want to jump in for people we don’t even know who they are. I’ve heard the rebels are worse than anyone else,” and America needs to keep in mind the enemy is ISIS.

“ISIS is absolutely the enemy and we have to do something very strongly against ISIS, and frankly we should be boming the hell out of them,” he said. “But we have to be very cool [right now]. … We could be fighting for ISIS [if we’re not careful].”

from PropagandaGuard

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