Thursday, 1 October 2015

Paul Broun launches bid to ‘fire’ Kevin McCarthy

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Credit: Wikipedia)

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Credit: Wikipedia)

It’s only been days since Speaker John Boehner announced his resignation and Rep. Kevin McCarthy became the most talked-about replacement, but a former lawmaker on Capitol Hill, the recently defeated Rep. Paul Broun, has already launched a campaign against him, saying he’s far too “establishment.”

To underscore that point, Broun’s started a “” webpage that states, bluntly enough: “Fire Kevin McCarthy. No Boehner 2.0 … We Oppose Kevin McCarthy for Speaker!” The page asks visitors to sign the petition.

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As Broun said in a press release distributed by Political Media: “Having worked with Kevin McCarthy in the House, I’ll admit he’s a friendly guy. But we need a dramatic change in House leadership. We can’t afford to replace Speaker Boehner with someone who will continue to carry out his failed legacy, one that has been stifling converative progress for six years.”

He went on, condemning McCarthy’s politics.

“McCarthy and Boehner are cut from the same establishment cloth and if the former replaces the latter, I’m pledging to help my fellow Americans mobilize to make sure he’s fired,” he said.

The petition outlines some of McCarthy’s perceived egregious political offenses, including a score of 52 from Freedom Works; a score of 45 from Conservative Review; and an “abysmal” score of 42 from Madison Project.

“He scores worse than former Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who lost his own district,” the petition states. “If McCarthy is chosen, we’ll see that he’s fired. Add your name to the list of Americans who Demand a Conservative Speaker.”

Can the Republican Party save itself? Richard Viguerie has the prescription in “Takeover.”

Larry Ward, chairman of Constitutional Rights PAC, said McCarthy wouldn’t enact any substantial reforms that favored the true conservative crowd.

“He’s a go-along-to-get-along politician that isn’t concerned much with principle,” Ward said, in the release. “The American people deserve better than a nice guy.”

Broun, a tea party favorite from Georgia, lost his last re-election bid and vacated Congress in January.



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