Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Sheriff Clarke blows lid off ‘Black Lives Matter’

Sheriff David Clarke Jr. of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.

Sheriff David Clarke Jr. of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke had a few words for Hollywood producer Quentin Tarantino, President Obama and all of those cuddling up to the “Black Lives Matter” crowd.

Appearing on Fox News as a guest of Sean Hannity Monday night, Clarke minced no words in what he described as “lies” repeated over and over again by Black Lives Matter supporters.

Tarantino had just completed a visit to New York City where he participated in a Black Lives Matter protest just days after an NYPD officer Randolph Holder was killed by a career criminal.

Holder’s funeral will be Wednesday, and the New York City Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association has called for a boycott of Tarantino films.

“The claims made by Tarantino, he’s a limousine liberal, he’s a one percenter. And the claims made by President Obama that this is not based on emotion, it’s real. It’s just plain wrong. These claims are based on fiction,” Clarke told Hannity. “Once you strip away the myths, the lies, the propaganda all that remains are the facts. Lies put out and repeated over and over again by the president of the United States are not a substitute for empirical research.”

Clarke then cited data he says proves Obama, the media and Hollywood have engaged in a full-throttle propaganda war against police, trying to portray them as racist.

In a three-year period, 2009 to 2012, there were about 1,491 uses of deadly force by police officers, Clarke said, citing federal data.

“Sixty-one percent of the people involved in that use of force were white males, 32 percent were black males, an almost two to one ratio,” Clarke said. “If there’s anybody that has a claim on police use of force, it’s white males.”

Watch Sheriff David Clarke shred supporters of Black Lives Matter:

“The other thing is this, again data and research, 0.04 percent of perpetrators of black homicide are police officers, less than one-tenth of 1 percent, and on the other hand 93 percent of perpetrators of black homicide were committed by other black people,” Clarke said. “The president of the United States lacks the courage to look at the black community and tell them to look in the mirror as the source of their problems.”

Clarke said most of the people that police come in contact with are “engaged in some sort of criminal behavior.

“If you look at the other data, their participation rates in violent crime are off the charts in terms of, compared to their rates within the population of the U.S., which is about 13 percent.”

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was run out of a townhall meeting this week by Black Lives Matter activists in his city, and talk-show host Jesse Lee Peterson took to the streets of L.A. afterward to gauge public support for the group. Most seemed to think the group was good while others appeared squeamish about presenting their opinions on camera.

Watch Jesse Lee Paterson’s video interviews of people on the streets of L.A.:

Hollywood ‘lefty’ attacks Ben Carson

This comes on the heels of another Hollywood “lefty,” Seth Rogen, being hit by a boycott as his new film “Steve Jobs” bombed at the box office, BizPac Review reported.

Rogen was boycotted for launching a tirade against Dr. Ben Carson on Twitter that included the comedian saying “f–k you” to the 2016 Republican presidential candidate.

Peterson, president and founder of the Brotherhood Organization of New Destiny or Bond, who recently authored the book “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood,” said Clarke is “speaking the truth” to power.

“Sheriff Clarke, I’m so proud of him for having the courage to speak the absolute truth and call it as it is, so when I hear him and see him speaking, I’m like ‘right on.’ And we need more leaders like that and we can defeat evil,” Peterson said.

Peterson said the Obama administration has entered its most dangerous period with just 14 months left.

‘Sheriff Clarke a gift from God’

“I guarantee you for the rest of the time Obama is in office he’s going to go after the guns like never before, and he is confident he can get it done,” Peterson said. “He knows he doesn’t’ have to be elected anymore and the politicians in Congress are afraid of him. They’re working night and day to destroy this country, but God bless Sheriff Clarke, I belief he’s a gift from God.”

Peterson said that while liberals jump on any criticism of Obama as “racist” the same rule doesn’t apply to Carson, the conservative former brain surgeon.

“What’s good for the goose is not good for the gander,” he said. “But what’s going on is, the liberals, both black and white, don’t want anyone to set an example for black Americans that they can overcome any situation in their lives and that racism is an illusion and that there are people like Dr. Carson who say, ‘you know what if you work hard you can overcome anything.’”

Why they hate Carson

He said Carson’s story helps black Americans overcome the lie that they’re victims. With Carson now rising in the polls, look for the attacks on him to be increasingly vicious, Peterson said.

“And right away the children of the lie have to stop them because they don’t want the others to catch on that they’re being used by their black leaders, they’re being used by the Justice Department, and white liberals in the Democrat Party, because if they can’t keep them down they can’t keep hold of the power they get by using them and their victimhood,” Peterson said.

For that reason Carson is seen as dangerous to the liberal cause, Peterson said.

“He is dangerous because he reveals that black people are being lied to by their black leaders, their black preachers and the racist white Democrat Party leaders, who tell them they can’t make it in society because of racism,” he said. “By not blaming others for your problems you can overcome any situation in your life, and that’s why they have to degrade Dr. Carson. They don’t want black Americans to wake up, and to know they’re in the greatest country this side of heaven and if you work hard you can make something of yourself. That’s why they go after Dr. Carson, because if he’s successful in spreading his message they lose their power base. They lose Democrat votes, they lose a group of people they can use to create anger, victimhood, and they have nothing left once they lose that so they’ll end up on welfare themselves.

“Dr. Carson is a bad example for them, they don’t want that to get out,” he added. “We have a battle going on, a spiritual battle, and evil cannot exist if it cannot control you. Don’t be angry, get up, do what you gotta do and you can make it. That’s why they keep lying to black Americans and why they try to keep them in a state of anger, because you can control a person who is angry, but you cannot control them when they’re free of anger.”

Peterson said Obama has created an environment where police officers are now seen as the enemy.

“At the same time he’s inviting an evil organization like Black Lives Matter to the White House, who would have thought that would have happened? Obama has opened up the gates of hell on our cities. And we haven’t seen anything yet. He knows he has the media, and he knows he has Republicans in Congress who are afraid of being called racist.”

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2015/10/28/sheriff-clarke-blows-lid-off-black-lives-matter/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2015/10/27/sheriff-clarke-blows-lid-off-black-lives-matter/

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