Wednesday 22 June 2016

Trump raises $3 million online since Tuesday

(Photo: University of Pennsylvania)

(Photo: University of Pennsylvania)

Tuesday was a “yuuge” day for Donald Trump – a $5 million day.

In an email sent to supporters Wednesday and signed by Donald J. Trump Jr., the candidate’s son said, “Yesterday my father sent his first ever fundraising email for the campaign and predicted it would shatter fundraising records. Once again, my father was right. Yesterday’s email was a massive success. My father offered to match up to $2 million personally, $1 for every $1 donated, and in less than 12 hours we surpassed that goal. All because of supporters like you.”

Indeed, the total raised in donations was $3 million, according to Trump’s national finance chairman Steve Mnuchin. Add to that Trump’s matching funds.

“So we made over $5 million online yesterday and we’re just starting that effort,” Mnuchin told Fox Business Network.

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According to the most recent Federal Election Commission report, the Trump campaign raised $3 million in the entire month of May and had only $1.3 million on hand at the end of June. The weak financial picture has reignited anti-Trump forces within the Republican Party who are threatening to fight his nomination.

The presidential candidate is expected to bring in significant funding for his own campaign as well as help the party finance a get-out-the-vote effort.

Trump’s one-day haul is being called one of the most successful donation pitches in American political history by fundraising veterans, reported the Washington Post. Based on expected responses from an email solicitation, they estimate Trump’s email list, which had never before been used for fundraising, would include 6 million supporters.

Digital-fundraising experts expressed skepticism the Trump campaign had the expertise to manage such a list, the Post reported, but noted that if true, the Democrats should be worried. The campaign could raise $20 million by the end of the month if the trend continues, they said.

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Here’s how Trump’s highly successful fundraising email read:

This is the first fundraising email I have ever sent on behalf of my campaign. That’s right. The FIRST ONE.

And, I’m going to help make it the most successful introductory fundraising email in modern political history by personally matching every dollar that comes in WITHIN THE NEXT 48 HOURS, up to $2 million!

This means any donation you make between $1 and $2,700 (the maximum allowable contribution) will be matched, dollar-for-dollar. …

Even without this match, this initial effort would have been the most successful first fundraising email in history. I am certain of this. But let me tell you why I decided to match your donations.

The Democrats are desperate, and they’re throwing everything they have at me. They just keep failing and losing.

Now they’ve sent out a very nasty email attacking me, all to raise a measly $250,000. They even promise that a group of “all-star Democrats” will match every dollar raised.

They will say and do anything to elect Hillary Clinton, but I am standing in the way.

I’m fighting back against Crooked Hillary and her pathetic cronies, as well as the dishonest liberal media, and I need your help.

We can’t let her back into the White House ever again.

The bottom line – Crooked Hillary has been a DISASTER for our country, and we must win against her this fall, Donald.

Let’s make history again, and keep winning, by making this the most successful first fundraising email ever.

Double your impact by donating today.

Let’s show the liberals, the professional pundits, and the Washington establishment that this campaign IS NOT ABOUT ME. It’s a movement of hardworking, patriotic people who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Best Wishes,

Donald J. Trump
Candidate for President of the United States

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