Wednesday 22 June 2016

Trump blasts Hillary in New York counterattack

GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump (Photo: Twitter)

GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump (Photo: Twitter)

Donald Trump, in a Wednesday morning much-anticipated speech from New York City, unleashed a scathing counterattack against likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton – who a day earlier, had just pointed out why the billionaire businessman was a sub-par pick for the White House, in a blistering verbal assault of her own.

Among some of Clinton’s speech highlights from Tuesday, in Columbus, Ohio: Trump’s foreign policy ideas were dangerous, and “he shouldn’t have his finger on the button,” and his Wall Street ties would “take us back to where we were before the [economic] crisis.”

Trump hit back hard.

“I’d like to share my thoughts about mistakes in this upcoming and very important election,” he opened, speaking of the reasons he was running for president. “[My family and I] think big, then we make it happen. … I’m running to give back to this country which has been so very good to me.”

His tone was even and professional, hardly off-the-cuff.

“When I see the crumbling bridges … or the factories moving overseas to Mexico,” he said, “I know these problems can be fixed. But not by Hillary Clinton. Only by me.”

He then underscored a cornerstone of his political views: “Jobs, jobs, jobs.”

And in somewhat of a surprising move, Trump said this: “We’ll never be able to fix a system by counting on the people who rigged it in the first place … That’s why we’re asking Bernie Sanders voters to join us.”

The applause on that reach-out to Sanders’ backers was a bit hesitant – but it grew more enthusiastic as Trump went on to lay out the negatives against Clinton.

“Hillary Clinton is a world class liar,” he said, referencing her ongoing email server scandal and her “phony landing in Bosnia when she said she was under attack” during a 1996 trip.

Then, Clinton regaled campaign trail supporters of her tale of landing in Bosnia in places that were “too dangerous” for even her presidential husband, Bill Clinton, to travel, and said she made the “landing under sniper fire,” as the Washington Post reported.

Her account of running for safety “with our heads down” was later challenged, and shown to be untrue.

from PropagandaGuard

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