Friday 24 June 2016

The WIRE: Your week in review

From D.C. to the North Sea — and most points in between — it’s time for a look back at the week that was. Personal Liberty Digest® presents: The WIRE!

Between the wildly inaccurate rhetoric, the Congressional demagoguery and the outright lies, the Democrats missed the so-called “gun control” target all week. Their aim sucks.

Too bad (not all) “Moms Demand” doesn’t teach marksmanship.

The Senate Democrats tried and failed to force through four separate anti-civil rights measures which even gun-grabber-extraordinaire Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) admitted would have done nothing to prevent Islamic terrorists like Orlando attacker Omar Mateen.

If they’re gonna float bills for every Constitutional right they oppose they should give everyone a heads-up. Christmas is only six months away, and some people want to spend it with their families.

Not discouraged by their Senate colleagues’ face plant, the House Democrats literally conducted a sit-in on the floor of the People’s chamber to try and force the House to eliminate civil rights.

This is actually the most useful most of them have ever been.

Among the Congressional “sitters” — Congressman, ex-civil rights icon and former member of the no-fly list John Lewis, who has managed to go from fighting for civil rights to fighting against them.

Why not? Secret government lists and denying due process have always worked out super well for black people.

Many observers were initially confused by the desperate stunt in which a bunch of seriously angry-looking rich people took over the U.S. Capitol.

Privileged people screaming and yelling while protected by armed guards. Bingo night at “the home” has gotten really intense.

During their tantrum, the Democrats even began singing We Shall Overcome.

Singing a civil-rights anthem at a demonstration against civil rights? There’s gotta be some kind of rule against that.

Despite support from anti-Civil rights hate groups and loads of food from equally-ineffective Senate Democrat colleagues, the “sit-in” stunt died after just over a day.

“Damn it! Why couldn’t they have brought Depends®?”

While the House Democrats demanded an end to due process for Americans, the Obama administration was offering much more to actual terrorists. He sent another Islamic terrorist packing this week with the release of Osama bin Laden’s former bodyguard Mahmoud Abd Al Aziz Al Mujahid from Guantanamo Bay.

“Gotta make room for white gun owners.”

Of course, the Obama administration and Attorney General Loretta Lynch continue trying to censor and redact anything which notes Mateen’s self-proclaimed allegiance to radical Islam and ISIS.

He can’t be a terrorist — he’s not even a member of the NRA!

Among the left-wing groups which cheered the Democrats’ stunt: the abortionists at Planned Parenthood. An anti-life organization pretending to care about kids isn’t creepy at all.

“If they escape our Gosnell-erator, we should treat them like ‘Hunger Games’ winners.”

Don’t be fooled, however. The real reason for the Democrats’ juvenile stunt became apparent fairly quickly as Congresspersons like Lewis and even Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) sent out fundraising emails while the floor show was still going.

Trying to cash in on your opposition to civil liberties? This is why you’re the minority leader.

Defying both global elite and the polls, the people of the United Kingdom decided they’d had enough of insane immigration policies and foreigners dictating their national direction in general; voting in the globally-impactful “Brexit” vote to leave the European Union.

Last time the Brits scored an upset like this over smug, globalist Euros the Spanish Armada ended up underwater.

Globalists on our side of the pond dismissed the Brexit vote as a knee-jerk reaction by ill-informed people bent on blaming the wrong culprit for their perceived ills.

Yeah, because that would be wrong!

President Obama came close to tears when the Supreme Court deadlocked on his illegal alien sanctuary policy, leaving the Appeals’ Court’s previous smack down of the Democrat Party’s voter recruiting drive as the standing decision. Where was that emotion when his illegal alien pals murdered Kate Steinle?

“Kate Steinle? Never heard of her. I’m still thinking about that birdie putt I missed on 16.”

Promising to ignore the Court’s ruling, Obama and his Democrat cronies attacked Republicans for the cruelty in deportation potentially separating kids from their illegal-alien parents.

That didn’t seem to worry the parents when they basically pitched the kid over the border fence.

The high profile prosecution of Officer Cesar Goodson over the death of Freddie Gray ended in an acquittal. The decision — in which a black defendant accused of murdering a black victim in a black-majority city beat a rap from a black prosecutor in front of a black judge — no doubt caused so-called “Black Lives Matter” thugs some confusion.

“So, do we loot the Walgreen’s or not?”

Former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne’s upcoming book Crisis of Character paints Hillary Clinton as foul-mouthed, paranoid and entitled. It also reveals that she’s vicious and hateful to everyone who doesn’t kiss her butt.

No wonder the Democrats love her.

According to newly released documents, not only did Nana Hilldawg’s staffers know her private email server was non-secure, they knew the system’s security features were disabled because the old girl was having trouble using it. Clinton’s defenders were quick to point out that there was no evidence that anyone had used the security lapse to hack the system.

Why pay for hackers when you can just pay Hillary directly? Like the Saudis did!

You don’t have to be black to get into the University of Texas, but after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the institutional racism sometimes called “affirmative action,” it will certainly help.

Unless you can run a 4.3 40, they don’t have much use for you.

And, Supporters of failed Democratic Presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) ain’t giving up that easy. Although the ancient communist has essentially been mathematically eliminated, some “Feel the Bern” types are threatening to disrupt the Democrats’ convention with a “fart in.”

It’ll be the best they’ve smelled since that one time they took a bath.

And that’s your week in review! For the Personal Liberty Digest®, I’m Ben Crystal saying “See you next week, on The WIRE!”

The post The WIRE: Your week in review appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

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