Wednesday 22 June 2016

Senate Republicans poised to defy NRA on ‘no fly, no buy’

Republicans in the Senate may defy the NRA and vote for a gun control bill.

Republicans in the Senate may defy the NRA and vote for a gun-control bill.

Thanks in large part to Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican from Maine who leans centrist, Republicans in the Senate seem set to go against the caveats of the National Rifle Association and consider a bill that would block those on government-compiled terrorist watch lists from purchasing guns – a provision loosely known as “no fly, no buy.”

The Collins bill specifies two terror watch lists only, but the NRA and other Second Amendment groups have warned such regulations could prove backdoor dings at gun rights. The line of argument is that since bureaucrats are the ones in charge of making and overseeing the lists, the opportunity presents for these same bureaucrats to exercise a little gun control outside the arena of proper legislation.

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As WND has previously reported, mistakes can be made with these lists, as well. Now-deceased Sen. Ted Kennedy was once on the list; so was Fox News contributor and Weekly Standard writer Stephen Hayes.

On top of that, some in the legal world warn taking gun rights absent the judicial branch is a government overreach that is unconstitutional.

Republican presumptive presidential pick Donald Trump has said he’s supportive of certain “no fly, no buy” provisions. And sources in both parties said the Collins bill is gaining steam in part because the idea of doing nothing in the face of Orlando – where Omar Mateen shot and killed 49 and wounded 53 in an act that’s becoming increasingly clear was aligned with radical Islam – is untenable.

“I think you’re seeing in real time the vice grip of the NRA loosening in this place,” said Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, speaking of the aftermath of this week’s Senate rejection of four other gun-control bills, including his own, to the Hill. “This is a watershed moment whether this gets to the finish line or not. You have Republicans scrambling to try to find a way to remedy their no votes [on the other four bills].”

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to walk the line between controlling his chamber and readying his vulnerable colleagues for a new election in November, and has reportedly adopted a more conciliatory attitude over gun bills.

“He will not be dictated to,” said one Capitol Hill member, speaking of the NRA’s pressure on McConnell, the news outlet reported.

Meanwhile, up to 10 Republicans in the Senate have reportedly jumped aboard Collins’ bill, with more, like Sen. Marco Rubio, the Hill reported, considering a co-sponsorship.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, who’s already co-sponsored, said this, the news outlet reported: “I hope we get a strong bipartisan showing. Here’s what you’re betting as a politician. If somebody on this no-fly list goes out and buys a gun tomorrow and kills a bunch of people, you’re in a world of hurt if you vote against this.”

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And fellow Republican Sen. David Purdue expressed similarly: “We all want to preclude terrorists from getting guns. From what I’ve seen so far, I might very well be able to vote for it.”

A vote on the bill, which lets the attorney general halt sales of guns for those on the no-fly list or on the selectee list, could come as soon as Thursday.

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