Saturday 25 June 2016

See the latest on Islam’s threat, the Antichrist and Satan’s PsyOps


The 2016 Rocky Mountain International Prophecy Conference  in Colorado Springs next month will feature dozens of the world’s best-known speakers on the Bible, on archeology, on end times, on Islam, on Israel, on the supernatural and the Christian message.

Gary Stearman of the Prophecy Watchers group and editor of The Prophecy Watcher magazine, as well as pastor of Grace Fellowship Church in Oklahoma City, will share his personal UFO encounter story, filmmaker Joel Richardson, whose projects include “End Times Eyewitness,” will talk about “When a Jew Rules the World,” L.A. Marzulli, the author of 13 books and an internationally recognized expert on the Nephilim and the paranormal, will talk about the “Days of Chaos: End Times Insanity,” and Bill Koenig, a White House correspondent, connects the dots in the Middle East.

It’s July 15-17 at the Mariott Hotel in Colorado Springs and will feature a total of 27 speakers delivering 40 “spectacular messages.”

It’s even sold out.

But that doesn’t mean anyone has to miss Derek Gilbert’s discussion of “Satan’s PsyOps from Eden to Armageddon,” Cris Putnam on “The Islamic Antichrist and the Last Crusade, or Bob Maginnis on “Super Soldiers, Terminators and Cyberspace: National Security for 21st Century Combat.”

Gilbert is the host of Skywatch TV and authored “The God Conspiracy,” Putnam holds degrees from Liberty Baptist Seminary and has written multiple books, and Maginnis is a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, and a foreign affairs expert.

The reason is live-streaming.

Organizers have set up a process to sign up and get an access code that will allow online viewing of virtually the entire conference, which also features WND Founder and CEO Joseph Farah behind the speaker’s podium and Avi Lipkin’s discussion of “The Bible Bloc Party: Christians and Jews in the Knesset.”

“Prophetic events are occurring at breakneck speed as we approach the very last days and await the return of Jesus,” the sponsors explain. “Twenty-seven speakers will soon deliver 40 spectacular messages via live streaming, the next best thing to being there.

“Watch from the comfort of your own home and enjoy three days of encouraging and uplifting preaching. If you have access to the Internet, you can be a part of the action in Colorado Springs.”

A full schedule and listing of events is posted online, and there will even be a surprise live-streaming audience only feature – a message from Chuck Missler.

Other speakers include Josh Peck, Aaron Lipkin, Michael Lake, Pastor Tom Hughes, Carl Teichrib, Paul McGuire, Randall Price, Stan Deyo, Doc Marquis, Jeff Kinley, Ken Johnson, Brent Miller, Tom Horn, Tim Mahoney and more.

Stearman’s description of the plans for the weekend:


Sign up for the live streaming events now.



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