Friday, 3 June 2016

‘Rent-a-mobs’ targeting Trump rallies?

Paid protester

Ubiquitous protester Maile Hampton (on the right)

By Katy Grimes

A woman who appears to be a professional protester appeared in the middle of the violent rally against Donald Trump in San Jose, Calif., on Thursday evening. Given the previous appearance of paid-protesters at anti-Trump events,  it raises the question of whether the violent mobs have been rented  — hence the term “rent-a-mob.”

An ABC News producer tweeted a photo (seen above) of protesters burning a “Make America Great Again” hat, stolen off the head of a Trump supporter. It turns out, the woman on the right, Maile Hampton, was profiled as someone who seems to be professional protester, in a story published in WND two weeks ago.

Hampton, who goes by the name KwameKahlo on Twitter, is a self-described “Marxist Leninist.” She has been seen and photographed at protests all over California recently, and even in Mexico.

more hamp

Maile Hampton protesting labor conditions for farm workers in Mexico

In the span of only 10 days, Hampton appeared at multiple protests. She was at one against University of California, Davis, Chancellor Linda Katehi, then two days later appeared in Mexico protesting labor conditions for Mexican farm workers.

A week later she was seen at the California State Capitol on behalf of the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (a former ACORN group), protesting in favor of increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour.

Anti-Trump protesters in New York reportedly admitted they answered ads on Craigslist and were being paid to protest Trump.

Writing in the Daily Caller in March, Trump supporter Roger Stone said, “I learned most were from MoveOn or the Occupy movement … Several admitted answering a Craig’s list ad paying $16.00 an hour for protesters.”

Stone claimed the protesters were “paid for mostly by George Soros and and pushed by David Brock at Media Matters for America.”

bern ad

A Craigslist ad offering $15 an hour to protest a Trump rally Janesville, Wis., in March.

Stone’s accusations could be supported by the discovery of a Craigslist ad calling for “Temporary paid positions to protest Donald Trump rally” that appeared in Wisconsin in March.

Violence at anti-Trump protests is on the increase. Angry mobs have been showing up at Trump rallies in California, waving Mexican flags, wearing Che Guevara t-shirts, burning American flags, while accusing Trump supporters of racism.

In San Jose, the protest got violent quickly, as cars were smashed, and protesters hurled rocks, bottles, cans and eggs at Trump supporters as they tried to enter the rally. Carrying signs that say “Make California Mexico Again,” they screamed at Trump supporters calling them “racists.”

In April, Maile Hampton was filmed at another anti-Trump rally that turned violent, burning the American flag and screaming over a loudspeaker at reporters, “Bourgeois media, get the f**k out!”

Katy Grimes is an investigative journalist and a longtime political analyst who has written for The Sacramento Union, The Washington Examiner,, The Pacific Research Institute’s CalWatchdog, The San Francisco Examiner, The Business Journal, E&E Legal, The Sacramento Bee, Legal Insurrection, Canada Free Press, and Laura Ingraham’s LifeZette.

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