Friday 17 June 2016

McCain rushes to tamp down criticism of Obama

Sen. John McCain

Sen. John McCain

Sen. John McCain came out swinging against President Obama over the terrorist shootings at a “gay” Orlando night club, saying the president is “directly responsible” for the massacre – but just a few hours later, he backtracked and flip-flopped and said his statement was all a mistake.

“I misspoke,” he said, in a statement reported by the Hill. “I did not mean to imply that the president was personally responsible. I was referring to President Obama’s national security decisions, not the president himself.”

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Just a little earlier, however, McCain seemed clear on blaming the president for the killings that left 49 dead and 53 injured.

He initially said, ABC News reported: “Barack Obama is directly responsible for [the shootings] because when he pulled everybody out of Iraq, al-Qaida went to Syria, became ISIS and ISIS is what it is today thanks to Barack Obama’s failures – utter failures – by pulling everybody out of Iraq.”

McCain made those comments at the same time Obama flew to Orlando to meet with the family members of the Pulse club shootings.

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His new statement is this: Obama’s decisions, not Obama the person, were responsible, at least in part, for the shootings.

“[Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq] led to the rise of ISIL,” McCain said, the Hill reported. “I and others have long warned that the failure of the president’s policy to deny ISIL safe haven would allow the terrorist organization to inspire, plan, direct or conduct attacks on the United States and Europe as they have done in Paris, Brussels, San Bernardino and now Orlando.”

McCain is facing a tough reelection fight for his long-held Arizona seat in the Senate.

His likely Democratic contender, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, used McCain’s original comments against the president as a campaign rally call to vote for her.

“Elected leaders have a moral duty to work together to root out terrorism and keep Americans safe,” said Kirkpatrick. “We saw John McCain cross a dangerous line in comments that undermine our commander in chief on national security issues – at the very moment the president was in Orlando to comfort victims’ families. It’s difficult to imagine the old John McCain being this reckless with something so serious. John McCain has changed after 33 years in Washington.”

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