If you’re proud of your physical appearance and not shy about telling others about the clean eating and exercise it takes to maintain it, you’re a mean-spirited fat-shamer.
That’s according to a group of nutritionists and health experts who contend that achieving a healthy lifestyle and giving advice to others about how to do the same without proper credentials promotes eating disorders and “orthorexia.”
If you’ve never heard of it, orthorexia is an eating disorder not recognized as a clinical diagnosis but characterized as causing “an ‘unhealthy obsession’ with otherwise healthy eating.”
Via the Independent:
Fiona Hunter, a qualified consultant nutritionist, said a new accessibility to unqualified advice via social media – as well as to “alternative” foods in supermarkets – has allowed young women with unhealthy food relationships to hide their issue behind a new language of “clean” or “healthy” eating.
“There’s so many people out there without the appropriate qualifications, pretty and slim wellness bloggers who have thousands of Instagram followers who hang onto their every word, who are giving advice based on no evidence at all,” she told The Independent.
Ms Hunter, who has a degree in nutrition and a postgraduate diploma in dietetics, said many bloggers did not have a scientific understanding of the long-term consequences of much of their advice.
The insinuation here is that without mainstream gatekeepers keeping health-related information accurate, alternative medicine advocates, fitness gurus and clean eating experts are likely to promote dangerous health practices which focus on physical appearance rather than health.
And to an extent, this can be true. That’s why it’s always a good idea to do your homework when deciding if a specific fitness and diet routine is ideal for your fitness goals and unique physical characteristics.
But it’s totally wrongheaded to suggest that physically fit bloggers are doing harm to their audiences if they’re promoting simple lifestyle tweaks like exercise and a diet that avoids processed foods.
The post Healthy eating causes disease? appeared first on Personal Liberty®.
from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/06/06/healthy-eating-causes-disease/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/06/05/healthy-eating-causes-disease/
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