Sunday 19 June 2016

Hacktivists: ISIS recruiters in U.S., hunting teen girls


ISIS recruiters inside and outside of the U.S. are hunting young American teenagers – mostly non-Muslim girls between 13 and 15 – and trying to convince them to conduct terror attacks on the nation, warns a “hacktivist” group.

BinarySec, a group of self-described “hacktivists, activists, security analysts and outlaws” seeking to eradicate ISIS material from the Internet, says the young teens are requesting help as soon as they realize their lives are at risk.

WND reported in 2014 when ISIS terrorists recruited women from Western countries to fly to the Middle East, marry jihadists and bear their children in a “cash-for-babies” scheme.

Now, BinarySec tells PJ Media the recruiters are using photos of babies or kittens to lure their targets.

“The most disturbing thing, other than the usual gore videos, is the targeting of young teen girls,” BinarySec operative AnonyMissy told PJ Media. “The number of 13 to 15-year-old American non-Muslim girls being targeted for recruitment has gone way up.”

She continued, “I used to have one girl every three weeks or so contact me in a panic when she realizes she’s in over her head; now it’s every week. They seek out the lonely. Invite them to Skype chat. The recruiters are men and women.”

PJ Media also interviewed Binary, the founder and main coder of BinarySec, who said the group has “intel to believe there are recruiters on U.S. soil,” although the majority are “overseas.”

“I’ve seen [the girls] recruited to launch attacks on U.S. soil. I’ve seen them recruited for marriage purposes and even sex slave purposes,” Binary told the site. “ISIS members, when targeting out a female, seek the lonely. They start by sending them little cutesy type of stuff, like messages.”

The free WND special report “ISIS Rising,” by Middle East expert and former Department of Defense analyst Michael Maloof, will answer your questions about the jihadist enemy threatening the West. 

AnonyMissy said the ISIS recruiters use “very subtle” tactics in the initial stages of contact.

“Depends on the girl, by the time she realizes after a month or so that she has been brought into an ISIS group, she’s been befriended by women and bonds of trust have been built, she has isolated herself from her ‘infidel’ friends and family,” she explained. “Lonely teen girls seeking acceptance, they are easy targets.

“Once they realize it’s real, and in exchange for all of that attention, they need to travel or steal – or worse – they end up in my [Twitter direct message] asking for advice.”

Binary told PJ Media that the girls soon adopt the gang mentality of having a family, and if they try to leave the situation, it can be dangerous.

“The ISIS members start making threats, even death threats.”

Binary added, “I’ve had a girl who told me they asked her to blow up a major place in her town, which I won’t specify for her safety. And they even forwarded her bomb instructions.”

When the girls suddenly realize they’re in trouble, ISIS jihadis know everything about them.

“I’m usually contacted after they cannot get rid of the recruiters,” AnonyMissy explained. “I would be very interested to see how many missing or ‘runaway’ teen girls were chatting, knowingly or not, with ISIS recruiters before they disappeared. And does anyone even know to look?

“… I’ve mostly been told about them being taught to steal to get money to travel. Beyond that, because they are children, I put them in touch with law enforcement to protect them.”

“House of War: Islam’s Jihad Against the World” conveys what the West needs to know about Islam and the violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation and destruction of other faiths, cultures and systems of governments. 

As WND reported, some Western women are recruited through a magazine called al-Shamikha, known as the “Jihad Cosmo.”

“They are selling them this mystical sisterhood of going to the caliphate and being able to be a Muslim in this idealized, utopian society,” warned Mia Bloom, a professor at the center for terrorism and security studies at the University of Massachusetts. “They are targeting these young girls in a very predatory way – the way child sex abusers target young children.”

Bloom said female recruits are promised moving expenses and cash for each baby they produce with an ISIS jihadi. But the women are banned from fighting and typically serve the militants, cooking and cleaning for them.

Bloom also expressed concern that ISIS will use the women as suicide bombers.

She said, while most women would stand out on a military installation, in most other public places, people wouldn’t expect a woman to carry out a suicide attack.

“If you change your tactics and target mosques or schools, that’s when women are really quite ideal,” she explained.


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