Thursday 16 June 2016

Friend of ‘Billy’: Trump? It’s Hillary with ‘temperament’ issue

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testifying before the Senate on Benghzi

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testifying before the Senate on Benghzi

Hillary Clinton believes Donald Trump’s “temperament” is the key weakness she can exploit in the 2016 election. But one of the people who knows her husband best believes Hillary’s strategy could backfire massively, as the former first lady’s shaky cognitive ability and erratic psyche will both be highlights of the 2016 campaign.

“Who would hire this woman?” asked Dolly Kyle of Hillary Clinton. The former mistress and friend of “Billy” Clinton argues Hillary may be suffering from “increasing cognitive impairment.”

“Hillary is about to melt down at any moment,” said Kyle, arguing the presumptive Democratic nominee has both psychological and physical problems that make the prospect of her as commander in chief dangerous.

“Look at the CDC [Centers for Disease Control] website and see the symptoms for cognitive impairment,” Kyle urged. “She is showing a lot of those, including memory loss, and most terrifyingly, the inability to handle a crisis, an emergency. This is critical in the United States of America for our president.”

In a recent interview with Steve Bannon of Breitbart, Kyle slammed Hillary Clinton’s temperament and qualifications.

“I believe the woman not only is a pathological liar, which has been proven by everyone over the decades, but I do believe she is now cognitively impaired,” she charged. “If you look at the way she reacted to some of those young black women who asked her legitimate questions, she couldn’t function. She had to turn around quickly and find someone to escort them from the room. She can’t deal with even a crisis that small, and we want to put her in charge of the nuclear weapons, when she’s already said if Iran does anything, she’ll nuke ’em off the planet. I mean, this woman is just waiting to attack someone, because she’s so angry.”

The truth is even worse than what you thought. “Hillary: The Other Woman,” the explosive new book exposing the horrible history of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Available now at the WND Superstore.

The prospect of an “angry” Hillary Clinton with her finger on the nuclear button could prove a damaging image for the candidate if Trump counterattacks on the question of “temperament.” In the last week, Clinton has consistently hammered Donald Trump’s foreign policy vision and supposed lack of qualifications. However, the notoriously aggressive Trump has fired back, saying a Hillary Clinton administration would be “four more years of stupidity” and a continuation of a “very bad and destructive track record.”

As Kyle pointed out, even Bernie Sanders publicly questioned Hillary Clinton’s judgment during one of the Democratic Party debates.

At the time, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump gleefully seized on the criticism to argue Clinton is “not qualified” to be president of the United States. Trump is now resurrecting Sanders’ attacks as he seeks to blunt Clinton’s perceived advantage on foreign policy and destroy her credibility as an experienced leader.

Behind the façade of competence created by the media, Kyle suggests Hillary Clinton is a deeply unstable and perhaps even disturbed woman whose true nature will be exposed by the 2016 campaign. For that reason, she suggested Clinton’s accusation Donald Trump does not have the temperament to be president is simply an example of the pot calling the kettle black. She also said Hillary Clinton may simply be unable to meet the physical and intellectual demands of having a position of responsibility.

One email obtained by government watchdog Judicial Watch following a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit showed worries about Clinton’s cognitive abilities existed even among Hillary’s staunchest supporters and aides. According to a Jan. 26, 2013, email exchange between aides Huma Abedin and Monica Hanley, Clinton was taking a nap and was unable to be immediately briefed on calls she had to make the next morning. According to Abedin, the former U.S. secretary of state is “often confused.”

In “Hillary: The Other Woman,” now the No. 1 bestseller among presidential biographies at and one of the top-selling books in the country, Kyle outlines the specific mental problems suffered by Hillary Clinton.

She points out the habit of both Clintons to lie unnecessarily and even without purpose, calling it “pathological” behavior.

She also lists the symptoms of medical and psychological disorders displayed during Clinton’s disturbing career.

These include:

  • Memory loss: Hillary swore under oath 250 times, “I do not remember.” She also made the extraordinary claim the United States “didn’t lose a single person” in Libya, evidently forgetting the Benghazi attacks entirely.
  • Vision problems, fits, falls and concussions: Hillary Clinton suffers from a certain type of double vision which requires Fresnel prism glasses and has repeatedly suffered coughing fits while on the campaign trail. Hillary Clinton also suffered at least one concussion which led to a blood clot, and one physician even suggested she is suffering post-concussion syndrome. According to Bill Clinton, Hillary’s post-concussion rehabilitation took six months of “very serious work.”
  • Difficulty planning and carrying out tasks: Despite advanced warning and intelligence briefings, Hillary Clinton failed to evacuate, fortify or defend the American embassy in Benghazi.
  • Exercising judgment: From major incidents like the Benghazi attacks to minor ones like controlling protesters, Kyle describes how Hillary Clinton has a tendency to go into a panic and rely on someone else to save her.

In her bestselling book Kyle shares her own anecdotes about personally experiencing Hillary Clinton’s coldness and cruelty. However, Kyle said the real issue is Hillary Clinton’s total lack of accomplishment and dependence on her husband.

Indeed, Hillary Clinton isn’t just reliant on her husband’s career, said Kyle, she’s complicit in his crimes. She slammed as “totally ridiculous” any suggestion Hillary Clinton is a role model for women.

“What you’re seeing is the result of a woman clutching onto the coattails of a serial rapist and sex abuser for decades, just to get into this position.”

“What has Hillary ever done on her own?” she asked. “I mean, she was secretary of state, she traveled a million miles. What did she accomplish? What did she ever accomplish? That’s the question.”

The truth is even worse than what you thought. “Hillary: The Other Woman,” the explosive new book exposing the horrible history of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Available now at the WND Superstore.

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