Friday 24 June 2016

Franklin Graham: U.K. vote deals blow to ‘1-world government’

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham

One thing is sure about the United Kingdom vote to leave the European Union, a vote on Thursday that prompted the announcement that David Cameron is resigning as prime minister, sparked a global stock market jolt that still was developing on Friday and was an out-and-out snub to President Obama and Hillary Clinton, who both had spoken in favor of keeping the membership alive.

It’s a stumbling block for the “one-world government” and “one-world currency” that the Bible says will eventually be imposed across all nations during the end times.

That’s according to Franklin Graham, the famed faith leader who runs Samaritan’s Purse as well as the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

“Last night the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union,” he wrote on Facebook on Friday. “With the breakdown of immigration laws and economies, millions of Europeans feel that their politicians have failed them.

“Boris Johnson, one of UK’s most popular leaders of the ‪#‎Brexit‬ movement hailed the results as a ‘glorious opportunity.’”

Nick Adams’ book, “The American Boomerang: How The World’s Greatest Turnaround Nation Will Do It Again,” is endorsed by the likes of Dr. Ben Carson, Glenn Beck, Dick Morris, Gov. Mike Huckabee and Dennis Prager

Graham continued, “We don’t know what the ‪#‎EUReferendum‬ vote means long-term, but I know that this is at least a temporary setback for the politicians in this country and around the world who want a one-world government and a one-world currency. The Bible speaks that one day this will take place. Join me in praying for all of those impacted and that Europe’s leaders, as well as our leaders in the United States, will look to Almighty God for wisdom and discernment in these trying and complex times in which we live.”

The 52 percent to 48 percent margin was a pointed snub to Obama, who told Britons just a few weeks ago they should stay in the EU.

“The United States wants a strong United Kingdom as a partner. And the United Kingdom is at its best when it’s helping to lead a strong Europe,” he said at the time.

Obama said if the vote was to leave, American efforts will continue to focus on a trade deal with the EU, and Britain then would drop to the back of the line. He said a deal is “not going to happen anytime soon,” assuming a vote to leave.

However, State Department spokesman John Kirby tempered those comments, with, “We don’t anticipate anything changing the special relationship that we have with the U.K.”

Hillary Clinton also told the U.K. to remain in the union, but Donald Trump suggested if he was British, he’d be wanting to leave.

He said, “The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy. A Trump administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense. The whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries – and our two peoples – are united together, as they will be under a Trump administration.”

The vote already is inspiring others. Officials in Italy, France and the Netherlands have called for their own European Union-related votes, and officials in several other nations said they were trying to stamp out that very movement.

The New York Times called it a “stunning turn of events” and the stock markets worldwide plunged several percentage points in the wake of the announcement.

It highlighted “the power of anti-elite, populist and nationalist sentiment at a time of economic and cultural dislocation,” the report said.

Supporting Graham’s observation, the Times said, “European leaders acknowledged that the British vote would further limit their ability to move forward with economic and political integration, a process that had all but stalled anyway.”

The report warned the real impact is a “disaster” for the European Union, “raising questions about the direction, cohesion and future of a bloc built on liberal values.”

U”The main impact will be massive disorder in the EU system for the next two years,” Thierry de Montbrial, of the French Institute of International Relations, told the Times. “There will be huge political transition costs, on how to solve the British exit, and the risk of a domino effect or bank run from other countries that think of leaving.”

CNBC reported former Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan, long an advocate for addressing issues on a global scale, warned the vote casts a shadow over that agenda.

“This is the worst period, I recall since I’ve been in public service,” Greenspan said on “Squawk on the Street.” “There’s nothing like it, including the crisis – remember October 19th, 1987, when the Dow went down by a record amount 23 percent? That I thought was the bottom of all potential problems. This has a corrosive effect that will not go away.”

The Daily Mail characterized the continent as “shocked” and reported a coalition of national representatives already was warning the E.U. soon would “crumble to pieces.”

“This is the beginning of the end for the E.U.,” Sweden Democrat Party member Peter Lundgren said. “So many other countries will follow the U.K. and Europe will fall.”

He continued, “It’s just a matter of time. Britain has set a precedent. Other member states will follow and the whole thing will fall apart. It will happen very soon.”

The Telegraph speculated that one of the long-term impacts could be a Trump presidency and all that would involve over the next four – or even eight – years.

Nick Adams’ book, “The American Boomerang: How The World’s Greatest Turnaround Nation Will Do It Again,” is endorsed by the likes of Dr. Ben Carson, Glenn Beck, Dick Morris, Gov. Mike Huckabee and Dennis Prager

The report said, “Dozens of the most brilliant minds in the Democratic Party will gather at the Hillary Clinton for President HQ to work out where the vote leaves their candidate. The immediate answer is: in grave danger.”

The vote, the report said, proves with “the utter contempt for mainstream politicians felt by the white, working classes of virtually all Western countries, the prospect of a President Trump has never seemed more likely.”

In alarmed tones the report said, “For more than a year, Democrats have assured themselves that America surely would not be foolish enough to favor a maverick, proudly xenophobic, boorish billionaire over the wisdom, experience and poise of Mrs. Clinton. Their confidence echoes that of the British establishment, so sure the electorate would not – could not – defy the collective authority of virtually all the country’s senior politicians, economists and international leaders – until it did.”

“Waking in her home in upstate New York this morning, Mrs Clinton – who previously warned against a vote to leave the EU – must have experienced a sense of dread.”

Vanity Fair held a dim view of the U.K.’s future, forecasting the possibility it will be “reduced to a rump state of England and Wales.”

And the sentiment – the rejection of centralized decision-making – already has spread, the magazine said.

“Variants of visceral anger can be found across the continent among various right-wing parties, who are presumably celebrating the blow delivered to the European project. After all, the E.U. as we know it will be forced to change, or likely face a string of similar referendums in member states. Perhaps that is a natural setback in the evolution of the common market, but the feeling of panic is palpable in what used to be called the chancelleries of Europe, for the British vote provides momentum and inspiration to some extremely undesirable forces elsewhere in its 28 member nations. With good reason, E.U. leaders are urging Britain to leave as soon as possible; they have concerns about contamination.”

The magazine continued, “The same spirit of defiance, of course, undergird the support for Donald Trump, who happened to find himself in Britain today and has expressed his wholehearted support for the decision.”


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