Saturday, 4 June 2016

First lady: I wake up each day in a house built by slaves

(WNBC) – Michelle Obama praised the diverse graduates of the city’s oldest public institution of higher learning and took a mild swipe at Donald Trump as she delivered the last commencement address of her tenure as U.S. first lady on Friday.

“I really want you all to know that there is a reason why, of all of the colleges and universities in this country, I chose this particular school in this particular city for this special moment,” Obama told the graduates of the City College of New York.

Noting that students at the 169-year-old college come from 150 countries and speak more than 100 languages, she said, “You represent just about every possible background – every color and culture, every faith and walk of life.”

Obama, the wife of Democratic President Barack Obama, told the graduates that “with your glorious diversity, with your remarkable accomplishments and your deep commitment to your communities, you all embody the very purpose of this school’s founding.”

from PropagandaGuard

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