Thursday 16 June 2016

DHS in charge of gun control? What could go wrong?

Department of  Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson piped up in the wake of the Orlando nightclub massacre, claiming that responsibility for gun control has to fall under the auspices of homeland security.

“We have to face the fact that meaningful gun control has to be a part of homeland security,” Johnson said in an interview on “CBS This Morning.” “We need to do something to minimize the opportunity for terrorists to get a gun in this country.”

So Homeland Security, which has yet to find a potential terrorist despite stationing thousands of rapists and gropers and luggage thieves at airports, and which has lost almost 500,000 immigrants who have overstayed their visas, and which cannot will not control the borders, and which consistently turns loose unvetted illegal aliens that fall into its hands by shipping them to various states on buses, and which contracted with a “security agency” for which the accused Orlando shooter worked transporting said illegal aliens, and which ignored the shooter’s multiple trips to Saudi Arabia – the chief funder of terrorism – and ties to a radical mosque that has produced at least one suicide bomber, is going to be in charge of creating ways to minimize the opportunity for terrorists to get a gun in the country? Terrorists everywhere heard this news and rejoiced.

But not so American patriots who believe in the Constitution and rule of law. That’s because Johnson followed up by uttering one of the most specious lines the Obama gun-grabbing cabal has uttered of late – the tired canard that “people on a list” should not be able to purchase a weapon.

Those “lists” are kept secret and people don’t even know they’re on one until they try to purchase airline tickets or interact with the Federal government in some way. Courts won’t even acknowledge you are on a list much less why you’re there, because the information may be “top secret,” and the government is not required to provide you with the information it used to put you on there. So getting off is next to impossible, and one doesn’t know he’s off until suddenly he’s no longer harassed at the airport. And that list has captured toddlers, Iraq war vets, nuns, social security recipients, Green Party activists and even U.S. congressweasels and 72 employees of DHS.

In short, the “lists” deny Americans due process and violate Amendments 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, at least. Not that due process matters anymore to the elected class, as they are now blaming it for “killing us.”

In a January meeting of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC), Johnson echoed one member’s sentiment that “the threat from right-wing extremists domestically is just as real as the threat from Islamic extremism.”

So “right wing extremists” will no doubt make it on one of those “lists.” And who are right wing extremists? According to DHS they include Ron Paul supporters, people who fly Gadsden flags, Tea Party people, veterans, people who pay with cash, people who store food or buy in bulk, Christian “fundamentalists,” people who oppose abortion and those who talk about the Constitution as the law of the land.

Oh, and one member of the HSAC happens to be a 25-year-old Syrian immigrant who has consistently disparaged America, free speech and white people on social media. That member, Laila Alawa, also publicly stated that the September 11 attacks “changed the world for good,” according to the Daily Caller. Which sounds a lot like the rantings of the Orlando shooter’s father, a Taliban-supporting nut-job who has claimed to be a candidate for the Afghanistan presidency from Florida and has claimed to run a provisional Afghan government from his studio. But neither Johnson’s DHS or the FBI seem to be bothered by that because the DHS must “avoid using the words ‘sharia’ and ‘jihad’ (among others) when discussing terrorism, in order to avoid offending Muslims.”

For more on this subject:

The American terrorist: White, Christian, owns guns and believes in liberty

New meme: Liberty movement more dangerous than al-Qaida 

DHS and its war on ‘white terror’ 

Spying on your neighbor 

Totalitarianism American-style

Densensitizing the military to make war on Americans 

The growing terror list and brainwashing of the military 

We are all terrorists now

The post DHS in charge of gun control? What could go wrong? appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

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