Thursday 23 June 2016

Democrat lawmaker claims Constitution was intended to INCREASE government power

Representative Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, said it “really bothers” him when Americans argue the founders wrote the Constitution to give citizens the power to limit the size of federal government.

Nadler’s remarks on the Constitution came during a House Judiciary Committee hearing regarding accusations that former IRS Commissioner John Koskinen made false statements during an inquiry into his agency’s political targeting scandal.

The Democrat claimed the actual purpose of the Constitution was to increase government power, with the Bill of Rights being the only portion of the document intended to hamstring the government in any way.

“The Constitution was enacted to strengthen government power to enable central government to lay taxes and to function effectively. We put limits on that through the Bill of Rights, but the Constitution was enacted for the opposite purpose,” Nadler said.

His remark was in response to former assistant U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy assertion during testimony that the “principal purpose of the Constitution is to limit the power of government to intrude on the liberties and suppress the rights of the American people.”

Nadler said he wanted to “correct the historical record” because “it really bothers me” when people claim the Constitution is about limiting government power.

If that’s the case, James Madison must really put a burr under the guys saddle.

The father of the Constitution noted in Federalist 45: “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined.”


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