Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Creating a drug culture

(I began publishing my monthly newsletter The Bob Livingston Letter™ in 1969. The following is the lead article from the June 2000 issue in which I discussed the ever-growing mind-control assault on our children through the use of prescribed drugs. From the system where normal behaviors were deemed a mental illness we have devolved in just 16 years to a state where abnormal behaviors – male children believing they are females and female children believing they are males – are treated as normal. And this abnormal behavior is being both programmed into the children and encouraged by the system and its “educators.” But again, to accomplish this transition, drugs in the form of physically and emotionally harmful synthetic hormones will have to be consumed in mass quantities and these drugs will no doubt eventually be provided by the state as an essential “right.”) 

Orwellian mind and mood, and social control, is being imposed on our kids via the drug Ritalin.  Millions of U.S .children (1 in every 30) now receive behavior-controlling Ritalin, and the UK and the U.S. governments have given unprecedented powers to psychiatrists to use it against wishes of both kids and parents.  The Observer (Feb. 27) says “Kiddie Crack,” as Ritalin is often dubbed, is an extension of society’s drug culture in which parents and teachers are being duped into believing that normal childhood behavior is no longer normal and that it is “mental illness.”  Parents are being deceived into making their children wards of the state.  After a point this process is irreversible.

Of course, there is no attempt to inform parents that behavior problems are caused by chemical allergies in our foods and most especially the chemical sugar.

Ritalin or nothing else can compensate for the high sugar diet of American children.

The post Creating a drug culture appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

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