Thursday 23 June 2016

Congress gets weird(er)

Just when I thought 2016 couldn’t get any weirder, what with a bombastic reality television star facing a grossly corrupt sociopath for the heavyweight championship of America, our Democrat pals to find a way to make it infinitely so. This week, the party of President Barack Obama took it upon themselves to grind the wheels of government to a dead stop. Their proudly stated goal: the end of civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution to the American people.

Wednesday, just two days after Senate Democrats failed to ram through not one but four different bills designed to eliminate at least the 2nd, 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution, the Democrats took their seats on the House floor a bit too literally. Led by former civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Georgia), a platoon of Democrats staged a “sit-in” protest, gathering in a privileged rich people’s version of “Black Lives Matter” thugs infesting their college Dean’s office because their school doesn’t offer a major in “Farrakhan studies.”

Also planting their well-fed rear ends on the People’s floor were some of the left’s leading lights. Houston-area Congresswoman and amateur astronomer Sheila Jackson-Lee copped a squat; Senator Elizabeth Warren even took a break from making money off pretending to be a Native American to join them in their Congressional tantrum. As of Thursday morning, they were still there, sitting proudly for their stated cause of ending the Bill of Rights’ 240-year run.

Of course, Democrats behaving like spoiled children isn’t really all that weird. Lewis and his coterie have been kicking and screaming to get their way since well before Lewis accused fellow civil-rights leader Julian Bond of being a drug addict during their nasty 1986 runoff for the seat Lewis has kept under lock and key ever since. And Democrats opposing civil rights isn’t exactly new. Lewis ought to remember, since he built his career fighting the same party for basic liberty back in the 1960s.

But now, Lewis has planted his butt on the floor of the main chamber of the House of Representatives. He and his co-hissy-fit-pitchers claim that they’re not leaving until someone — presumably the House — takes “action” to “end gun violence.” It’s anyone’s guess what form that “action” is supposed to take; but it’s a fair bet that Lewis would prefer it involve the same assault on liberty his Senate colleagues failed to launch earlier in the week.

That would mean not only a ban on Democratic boogeymen like the much-maligned AR-15 and other so-called “assault rifles,” so-called “high capacity clips,” so-called “weapons of war” and so-called “gun violence,” but a new law which would preclude Americans on the so-called “no fly list” from purchasing firearms.

Granted, the San Bernardino and Orlando attacks, not to mention the myriad other Islamic assaults on humanity which strolled past the so-called “no fly” list and so-called “gun control” laws without wrinkling their dishdashas, have already proven such efforts are would reduce crime and/or Islamic terrorism not one iota. And Allah” forbid I mention the fact that the worst so-called “gun violence” consistently occurs in the so-called “gun free zones” championed by the left.

The Democrats’ juvenile stunt would also leave whatever remained of your freedom in the hands of the same government which has spent the last 7 1/2 years illegally surveilling you with the NSA, illegally bullying you with the IRS and casually lying to your face about it. Even weirder: the same people who have made a point of proving they know less about firearms than Hillary Clinton knows about email security have convinced themselves that they’re exactly the right people to decide whether you should be allowed to own one.

Enforcement of the Democrats’ ban on civil rights would likely fall to one of the federal law enforcement agencies. The attorneys general have been too busy either trafficking weapons to the Sinaloa drug cartel or redacting transcripts of 9-1-1 calls so as to protect Islamic terrorists’ delicate feelings. The FBI fumbled the ball three separate times on Orlando attacker — and proclaimed Islamic terrorist — Omar Mateen. The NSA is occupied reading your grandmother’s email. The Department of Homeland Security can’t spare anyone from their battalions of police academy washouts and their busy schedule of groping disabled people and rummaging through travelers’ luggage.

If that strikes you as weird, consider this: in the space of 50 years, John Lewis has gone from sitting at restaurant counters to defend the civil rights of all Americans to sitting — literally — on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to assault the civil rights of some Americans. His Democrat accomplices have had an easier run. They opposed civil rights then, and they oppose them now; unless you’re an illegal alien or Islamic terrorist. Weird.

— Ben Crystal

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