Republicans, notably Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, are being played by the left when it comes to so called “sentencing reform,” a bipartisan push to let thousands of criminals out of jail. And presumptive Republican nominee Donald J. Trump is not using his status as de facto leader of the party to do enough to stop what critics are calling “The Great Jailbreak.”
That’s the analysis from Daniel Horowitz, a senior editor at and the author of the upcoming book “Stolen Sovereignty: How To Stop Unelected Judges From Transforming America.”
He argues the recent push to reduce sentences for federal drug offenders is yet another example of Republicans falling for Saul Alinskyite tactics, as conservatives allow themselves to be morally shamed by progressives.
“Republicans were always susceptible to the Alinskyite tactics of the left,” said Horowitz. “The left’s messaging always revolves around the sentiment that ‘I’m a good person. I care about the downtrodden, the people in prison, the illegal immigrants. I’m a good person that champions those who had a raw deal in life.’ Notice when they talk about amnesty for illegal immigrants, they always lead off with the illusion that every illegal immigrant is actually a valedictorian in an Ivy League college. So it’s the same thing here.
“The left says everyone who is sitting in a federal prison is supposedly there for a non-violent drug offense and was, almost by mistake, found with marijuana. And now they are stuck in federal prison. And again, the facts don’t bear that out. It just doesn’t exist. Even on a state level, they’re not incarcerating low level drug offenses.”
Horowitz argues the federal prison population is actually decreasing, which makes it hard to believe too many people are suddenly being incarcerated. What’s more, the vast majority of those incarcerated in federal prison on drug charges are being held for trafficking, not simple possession.
Horowitz said the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015, now being pushed by Republicans like Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, will endanger Americans by releasing “thousands of hardened criminals, many of whom are illegal aliens.”
He told WND Republicans are falling for this scheme because of a lack of moral confidence as well as believing in false arguments.
“Republicans unfortunately have been roped into this fallacy, they think they are just small ball criminals being released,” said Horowitz. “And they feel it is a two-fer. They can ingratiate themselves to Democrat voters and in addition, cut the budget. That latter argument is what is luring many of them to join the Democrats. The Democrats will say, hey, this is a great way to cut costs. But by returning to the pre-1990s levels of crime, we’re actually going to see a spike in crime and it’s going to be counter-productive like we’re seeing in California now. After they passed their massive bill really downgrading drug crimes, property crimes, they’re having a massive increase in crime and they have not saved one dime on incarceration costs.”
According to the Orange County Register, crime rates in major cities in California more than doubled in the first half of 2015, with violent crime rising by double digits. Some law enforcement experts are blaming Prop 47, which reduced some felony property and drug crimes to misdemeanors. As a result, criminals are being let out of custody sooner and are committing more crimes.
Who rules you? And what’s the point of voting when unelected judges are the ones who are making your laws? “Stolen Sovereignty” by Daniel Horowitz is a devastating indictment of the plot against American liberties coming from the judicial branch. And it’s available for pre-order NOW from the WND Superstore.
Horowitz argues one man in particular is not doing enough to speak out against this plot to release more criminals – Donald Trump.
“He spoke out briefly at the NRA convention, but generally speaking Trump has been missing in action in every major policy battle we’ve had since he became the presumptive nominee,” said Horowitz. “For someone who boasts the ability to manipulate the media cycle through one tweet, he could have easily blown up this attempted ‘jailbreak.’ It appears that much of his anti-political correctness is geared towards building up his persona as a reality TV show star but not actually using it to fight the most harmful policies born out of political correctness. Time will tell, but so far conservatives have not been able to count on him for close air support against the party establishment. In fact, he has cozied up to people like Sens. Mitch McConnell and Bob Corker who are part of the problem.”
At the recent National Rifle Association meetings, Trump attacked Hillary Clinton for supporting more lenient policies towards criminals, accusing her of wanting to “release the violent criminals from jail” and put “innocent Americans at risk.” However, he has not said much about the issue in recent weeks.
Though Trump has remained silent, other Republicans have stepped forward to fight against the bill. Sen. Jeff Sessions, a vocal Trump supporter, is helping lead the fight against sentencing reform. Sessions argued earlier this year severe penalties were important to make “the consequences of drug trafficking a deterrent.”
Daniel Horowitz credited Sen. Tom Cotton with making the crucial difference in the Senate battle against the bill. Cotton has called the bill “very dangerous” and “unwise.”
Horowitz warned supports of criminal justice reform, or as he calls it, “jailbreak,” will turn to the House now that Sessions and Cotton have stymied them in the Senate.
“Thanks to the work of Tom Cotton, proponents of ‘jailbreak’ are up against a brick wall in the Senate,” he said. “It appears that they have changed tactics and will attempt to move legislation through the House to gain momentum. They only have a few weeks left and it all boils down to the month of June and whether there will be robust voices of opposition in the House like Cotton was in the Senate.”
Horowitz urged Republicans not to stay silent on what he regards as both an important and politically advantageous issue. And he noted the irony of Donald Trump, a self-styled defender of the “no longer silent majority,” remaining quiet on an issue that Horowitz believes will speak to the average American.
“This is the ultimate silent majority issue,” said Horowitz. “All of the special interest groups are committed to ‘jailbreak,’ but your average voter cannot relate to the notion that our criminal justice system is too tough, especially at a time when we are seeing two decades’ worth of declining crime reverse towards a negative trajectory.”
Who rules you? And what’s the point of voting when unelected judges are the ones who are making your laws? “Stolen Sovereignty” by Daniel Horowitz is a devastating indictment of the plot against American liberties coming from the judicial branch. And it’s available for pre-order NOW from the WND Superstore.
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