Saturday 18 June 2016

Black Americans warned: Democrats are not your friends!

Hillary Clinton speaks with attendees during a town hall event at Cumberland United Methodist Church in Florence, S.C. (Photo: NPR)

Hillary Clinton speaks with attendees during a town hall event at Cumberland United Methodist Church in Florence, S.C. (Photo: NPR)

It’s a well-known fact that black people tend to vote overwhelmingly for Democrats – but why?

After all, the Democratic Party spent 100 years trying to prevent blacks from claiming their civil rights.

“What blacks especially do not know is that all the civil rights legislation from 1865 to 1965 was passed over the objections of the Democrats,” declared Ben Kinchlow, founder of Americans for Israel and co-host of the weekly radio show, “FrontPage Jerusalem.”

Appearing recently on the SonLife Broadcasting Network program “Frances & Friends,” Kinchlow explained every civil-rights initiative during that period had been proposed and passed by Republicans. That included the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, the Civil Rights Act of 1875 and various bills in the first half of the 20th century. These laws passed in spite of Democrats, not because of them.

Even the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 owe their passage to Republicans, Kinchlow noted.

It was the GOP that shepherded those historic pieces of legislation through Congress and forced them onto Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson’s desk. Johnson took full advantage, thinking he could get blacks to vote Democrat for the next 200 years by signing those two acts into law.

Johnson’s plan has worked for 50 years now, and Kinchlow believes black Americas vote for Democrats because they simply don’t know their own history.

He said there’s a conspiracy to keep black citizens uninformed about the real civil rights history, and he partially blamed the media, which he said has swung to the left and has wandered away from simply reporting facts.

“The media give all the credit to the Democrats for passing the bills that were actually submitted and passed on the votes of the Republicans, but the Democrats got all the credit for that,” Kinchlow explained. “As a result, African-Americans think wrongly that Democrats were the ones who were at the forefront of securing civil rights for African Americans.”

Have you ever wondered what African-Americans want, and why they vote Democratic? Do you know how slavery actually began in America? Ben Kinchlow’s best-selling book “Black Yellowdogs” breaks race and politics down in black and white. Get your copy today!

He said the majority of today’s black voters remind him of the hard-line, rank-and-file, Protestant Southern Democrats of 1928 who supported Democrat presidential nominee Al Smith even though Smith was a Catholic and a Northerner.

When one such member of Congress was asked why he supported Smith, he replied, “I’d vote for a yellow dog if he ran on the Democratic ticket.” This gave rise to the phrase “Yellow Dog Democrat” to refer to a Democrat who votes the party line no matter what. The phrase also inspired the title of Kinchlow’s book “Black Yellowdogs”

“Since the 1960s and earlier, blacks have gotten to the point where they vote 90-plus percent for Democrats regardless of who the candidate is,” Kinchlow explained. “So I wrote this book about black citizens who vote for Democrats regardless of the issues or the person.”

The irony, he said, is that post-Civil War Democrats were responsible for introducing segregation, Jim Crow laws and various forms of discrimination against blacks. In fact, as Kinchlow wrote in “Black Yellow-Dogs,” “Historical facts from original sources, along with documented research, show that the Democratic Party has perpetrated virtually every anti-black, pro-segregation legislative initiative from 1871 to 1965.”

But Americans who came of age after 1965 don’t grasp this fact, Kinchlow bemoaned. What’s more, blacks in this age group have never experienced “real, bona fide, certified racism.”

“They are essentially – I hate to use this term – but they are essentially brainwashed by liberals who have much to gain by turning African-Americans against the people who really stood for them – the Republican Party, the conservatives,” Kinchlow charged.

He said Democrats are telling black people they are being discriminated against, but they are not offering any concrete evidence of said discrimination.

“And so these young blacks, who are not forced to get a decent education, who don’t know what real discrimination is, are now up in arms about perceived discrimination,” he said.

Kinchlow, who was born in 1936, grew up in the South at a time when real racial discrimination still existed. He told “Frances & Friends” he experienced real prejudice that today’s black youth know nothing about.

In his earlier years, he fought against that racism, but once legal discrimination ceased to be a problem, and once he discovered the true history of U.S. race relations, his life turned around.

“Once I found out what the real facts of the matter were, historically documented facts of the matter, then I was set free from the ignorance that had kept me in bondage,” he declared.

Kinchlow hopes blacks appreciate the country the U.S. has become – a land where they are privileged to achieve whatever they can, free from legal forms of racial discrimination.

“I’ve been to many countries – Middle Eastern, down in Central and South America, I’ve been in the Far East – and I want to tell you that there’s no other country on the face of the Earth in this day that compares with and offers the absolute freedom and opportunity to all of its citizens as does the United States of America, and I say that without apology and without tip-toeing,” Kinchlow said.

Have you ever wondered what African-Americans want, and why they vote Democratic? Do you know how slavery actually began in America? Ben Kinchlow’s best-selling book “Black Yellowdogs” breaks race and politics down in black and white. Get your copy today!

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