Monday 20 June 2016

Anti-Trump delegates raise cash to fight nomination

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

A group of anti-Donald Trump delegates have set out on a new endeavor to stop the billionaire businessman from becoming the official presidential pick of the GOP, drumming up cash and collecting backers in a twelfth-hour try aimed at upsetting July’s Republican National Convention.

The outfit, calling itself “Free the Delegates,” said it started with just a few delegates on board with the idea, but now has several hundred, the Washington Post reported.

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“As we carefully consider not only the presidential nominee, but the rules of the convention, the platform of the Republican Party and the vice presidential nominee, remember that this is true reality TV – it is not entertainment,” said regina Thomson, co-founding of “Free the Delegates.”

Part of their effort entails raising money for both staff and a legal defense fund. The group’s basic aim is to raise enough money and solicit enough support to change the party’s rules so delegates at next month’s Cleveland convention are not bound by state caucus and primary results, but rather could vote however they choosee – the delegates would be free to pick their own candidate.

The effort’s not likely to win over party leaders, however.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus has made clear delegates are bound by the rules of the convention to vote in line with state primary results. And a spokesman for the RNC told the Washington Post efforts like those of “Free the Delegates” are “silly” and “nothing more than a media creation and a series of tweets.”

Trump, meanwhile, has signaled a willingness to fight for the delegates he’s won through the caucus and primary system.

He said any efforts to strip him of the party’s nomination is “totally illegal” and a “rebuke of the millions of people who feel so strongly about what I am saying,” the newspaper reported.

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But “Free the Delegates” leaders aren’t budging.

“Mr. Priebus needs to understand that leadership has not answered the call of the most important people in the Republican Party and that’s the conservatives,” said Chris Eckstrom, a Dallas businessman who’s also founded the pro-Ted Cruz PAC, Courageous Conservative, and who now supports the “Free the Delegates” movement, in the Washington Post.

He went on: “We have always been there. We’ve endured a lot of one-way loyalty. It’s now our time and our duty to say that this is a conservative platform in the Republican Party and we simply will not abandon it.”

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