Wednesday, 25 November 2015

It’s time to ask the question: Is Obama a Muslim?

Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty®. First, Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season to you and your family. Now, on to the very serious news about the madman running our country. You know, the guy who has made us all feel like foreigners in our own country. Or haven’t you seen the latest poll that proves a majority of Americans don’t even recognize or feel comfortable in America anymore?

Today’s column is all about the reason why. It’s a five-letter word: O-B-A-M-A. The news involving Obama and what he’s doing to his country gets stranger every day. And more dangerous.

Obama says, “ISIS is contained.” The next day, 130 people are dead in a massive, frightening ISIS attack in Paris.

Within days, there is another terrible radical Islamic terrorist attack in Mali.

But Obama refuses to back down. He asks for even more Syrian refugees.

At the same time Obama is demanding we import dangerous Muslim refugees, he is sending back Iraqi Christians. He talks about compassion for Muslim refugees, but deports Christians.

During the same one-week period, Russia reports Obama’s policies actually helped ISIS.

What American president would do these things … or say these things? It’s all so strange and unsettling. It sure feels like something is very wrong. It sure feels like we’re being sold down the river.

So it’s time to ask loudly, publicly: Is Obama a Muslim, and is he capable of leading this country or our military at a time of war versus radical Islam?

In the past few days, I’ve heard from dozens of friends and associates telling me they fear we have a Muslim in the White House. They are panicked. They are frightened. They are in shock (many for the first time) about the danger our country is in.

Bill O’Reilly came out the other night and suggested mental illness. He asked if Obama is “delusional.”

If you don’t believe he is delusional or mentally ill, what other plausible answer is there for his strange behavior? Before we come to any conclusions, let’s first look at a few of Obama’s statements and actions.

He can’t even say the words “Islamic” and “terrorist” in the same sentence.

He won’t join France and Russia in a serious war against ISIS.

Our own pilots report that Obama’s policies block 75 percent of airstrikes. So Obama’s tough talk about bombing ISIS is just like his famous quote, “If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.” It’s just another lie.

He’s left our borders wide open. Eight illegals from Syria were just caught at the Texas border.

An unusual number of Middle Eastern military males have been caught at the San Diego border.

For every one caught, how many have already sneaked in?

Ironically, they don’t really need to sneak in. Obama is inviting them in. He’s already brought hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants into this country during his presidency.

He wants tens of thousands of Syrian refugees resettled here.

Syrian. Say that word slowly. Understand its meaning. Terrorists from ISIS lurk among these strangers coming into our country, forced down our throats. Keep in mind it was an Islamic terrorist leader who recently bragged that more than 4,000 terrorists have been smuggled into Europe disguised as refugees.

Obama’s own Department of Homeland Security and FBI have publicly admitted we cannot vet the incoming Muslim refugees. The FBI director says we have no records and, therefore, no way to distinguish between moderates and extremists.

But Obama doesn’t care what his citizens think. He doesn’t care what governors think. Obama’s State Department says governors have no say on whom he dumps in their states.

Obama announced he will veto Congress if it dares to require closer screening of Syrian immigrants.

But Obama is so extreme is his thinking about Syrian refugees that the House ignored his threat and voted with a veto-proof majority. An unheard-of 47 Democrats voted against Obama.

Even Democrats now understand on the topic of fighting radical Islam our president has gone off the rails. Something is very wrong.

More signs of Obama’s Islam problem

He agreed to the worst, most lopsided treaty in world history with Iran. That treaty makes it a certainty that extreme radical Iranian mullahs will have a nuclear bomb.

As a bonus, Obama gave this terrorist regime $150 billion, funds that will undoubtedly be used to fund terrorism all over the world.

And amazingly, Obama promised that the U.S. would protect Iran’s nuclear facilities from Israeli attacks.

Obama’s own former adviser admits he purposely alienated and distanced the U.S. from Israel to win the trust of Iran. But what other world leader would want to win the trust and support of a terrorist regime?

Obama leaped at the chance to bring a Muslim boy to the White House who was accused of building a bomb. Yet he has never once thought to bring the young child of a Marine, or Navy Seal, or police officer killed in action to the White House.

Obama ordered his Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to take the side of Muslim delivery truck drivers who refused to deliver beer. Our own government forced companies to pay a $240,000 reward to Muslims in our country, hired to do a job and refusing to do it based on their laws, not ours.

Obama took their side. Think about that for a minute.

Obama even recently proposed banning pork at federal prisons. I’m not joking.

What president would get involved in a decision about pork? Obama is paralyzed with indecision about how to stop ISIS; he refuses to ban refugees from Middle Eastern war zones; but he’s more than happy to ban pork! Isn’t this all bizarre behavior?

Something is very wrong.

In his book Obama said the sweetest sound he knows is the Muslim call to prayer; and in a speech at the U.N. he said, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

Obama may be playing a gotcha game of “Is he a Muslim, or not?” — but increasingly, for the rest of us, it’s become a game of life and death.

So I’m going to ask the question out loud what tens of millions of common-sense Americans are whispering in private: Is Obama a Muslim?

My answer is: I don’t know, and I don’t care. Obama’s religion doesn’t matter. What matters is he’s so in love with the Muslim religion, the Muslim culture and the Muslim people that he’s incapable of leading our country or commanding our military at a time of war against radical Islam. He is not capable of making a move. He’s not capable of drawing up a plan. Heck, he’s not even capable of saying the name of our enemy (radical Islam) out loud.

Mr. Obama, I don’t know if you truly consider yourself a Muslim. But I know you don’t think or act like a normal American. I know your life is about defending Islam, yet the murder or persecution of Christians all over the world at the hands of Muslims doesn’t interest you. I know your plans to defeat ISIS appear to have helped them grow stronger. I know your response to ISIS and Islamic terrorism is not normal or rational. Russia’s Vladimir Putin and France’s Francois Hollande both respond like leaders. Can you imagine? I’m proud of Putin and ashamed of my president.

I know you respond like a man too conflicted and compromised to lead the fight against our radical Muslim enemies. You can’t bring yourself to stand against Muslim extremism, even as Muslim crowds in “moderate” Turkey boo and chant “Allahu Akbar” during a moment of silence for the victims of the Paris attack by ISIS.

I don’t know if you’re a Muslim, Mr. President. But that doesn’t matter. What I know is that you’re not on our side. I know you are compromised and corrupted. I know you are a biased Muslim sympathizer. I know you’ve lost the credibility to lead our country or command our armed forces. I know you must go.

And I know it’s time to demand Obama resign or be impeached because our country will not survive his last 14 months. I know removing Obama from office is a matter of grave national security.

I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty®. See you next week. God bless America.

The post It’s time to ask the question: Is Obama a Muslim? appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

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