President Obama speaks at the COP 21 climate summit in Paris, Monday, Nov. 30, 2015 (Photo: Twitter, White House)
A lot is at stake in Paris over the next two weeks as heads of state from 150 nations gather to determine how best to cut carbon emissions and contain an apocalyptic vision of “climate change.”
America’s middle class is expected to get dinged again if President Obama’s climate change plan is funded by Congress. Taxes and energy costs are expected to rise if coal-fired emissions are cut to the extent pledged by Obama.
Now one of the top conservative climate-change analysts is saying to “watch India” for clues as to how well the United Nations climate agenda is being swallowed by world leaders.
Patrick Wood, an economist and author of “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation,” says India could be the elephant in the room, and it has already hinted that it will not be bullied by Obama or the U.N. on climate change.
“And we’ve already seen India calling the U.S. a carbon imperialist; we’re one of the carbon bigots of the world, and how dare we, Obama, try and tell India how to run its affairs?” Wood told WND. “Of course, they’re right. And they’re not happy about it at all. You can tell they’re mad.”
India’s minister of the environment said last week India is not about to phase out coal as a major energy source, like Western nations are demanding. He stated that India is “not in the habit of taking any pressure from anybody,” the Telegraph reported.
Russia has already said it won’t abide by the carbon cuts designed to limit global warming to 2 to 3 degrees centigrade. India could be the next domino to fall, Wood said.
“In the case of Obama we already know what he’s going to do. He’s already laid it out. He’s going to use the Clean Air Act, rewrite it, to implement all these polices. What the U.N. is looking for in all this is consensus,” Wood told WND. “This is essentially a giant consensus meeting in Paris. In a smaller sense, we’ve seen consensus meetings wherever you have Agenda 21 being promoted, at meetings with predetermined outcomes, making people feel like they are contributing to the outcome but they really weren’t.”
So Paris is supposed to be where every country gets on board with the plan to reduce carbon. The U.N. is lining up its ducks for a global policy that will result is a massive redistribution of wealth from industrialized countries to poor countries, Wood said.
“So if that’s their goal, let’s talk about the risks: What if they came out with only a partial consensus? What if some minor countries said, ‘We’re not going along with this’?”
That might lead to a few cracks in the consensus dike, but it wouldn’t be enough to break apart the agenda.
“But what if a major one like India balked? If a big player like India refused to sign on and let it be known to the world, that would be huge,” Wood said. “And I think it would send a message to the rest of the world that something is wrong with this agenda. Remember, Russia is already out. Without India and Russia, there is no consensus. Those are two very big, very important countries on the planet.
“That would send a message to the rest of the world that they’re basically fools for buying into this thing,” he continued. “So they’re trying to line up their ducks, and it’s already precarious.”
A similar conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, six years ago ended in failure.
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Wars and refugees caused by global warming?
Obama said in his Paris speech Monday that the stakes are higher this time. He indicated that world conflicts and even the mass movement of refugees are caused by climate change.
Among the list of things that are caused by climate change, Obama said, were “political disruptions that trigger new conflict and even more floods of desperate people seeking the sanctuary of countries not their own.”
He said the climate conference “represents an important turning point in world history” because the leaders “now recognize the urgency of the problem.”
Germany’s Angela Merkel agreed, saying the conference would determine “the future of the planet.”
Obama said the conference marked the world’s “last best chance” to solve climate change.
Does Obama really believe what he is saying, or is he merely reading from a script?
“It’s hard to tell,” Wood said. “But the script, he got it from John Podesta. John is the only guy that came in and created a climate change agenda for Obama. It was him, 100 percent.”
John Podesta: Insider of insiders
In his book, “Technocracy Rising,” Wood points out that Podesta, who left the White House earlier this year to become Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, is a member of the Trilateral Commission and a key mover and shaker in the international movement toward global governance. Climate change is one of the tools globalist technocrats are using to move the world in that direction, he said.
“I don’t know if Podesta is in France; I would be surprised if he is not. But he is a key player in the whole big picture of the U.N. climate agenda,” Wood said. “He was on the panel of esteemed persons (who created the draft text), and so he knows all the players very well. Obama’s just a stooge at this point.”
John Podesta wrote Obama’s climate change policy and now heads up Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Whatever is agreed upon in Paris will not be legally binding, but it will be politically binding.
“It will be what they call a politically binding agreement, in other words they sit around and wink at each other and say, ‘I agree to do such and such,’ and if they get back in a room five years from now they say, ‘Well, I never got around to it,’ but it does give a reason for the U.N. to beat them up from time to time,” he said.
U.N. climate chief Christiana Figueres sent out a video update in early November in which she voiced concerns about the possibility of fractures at the Paris consensus-building effort.
“You could tell she was worried about it, and said if we don’t get it done, at Paris in December, it will take us 10 to 15 years to rebuild our momentum to get back to where we are today,” Wood said. “She is no doubt exaggerating, trying to make a dramatic statement that it’s all or nothing. But at least she is acknowledging there are fractures in the consensus.”
Watch video of U.N. climate czar Christiana Figueres talking about the importance of the Paris climate conference:
In that video address, Figueres said the text of the Paris climate agreement must be taken seriously by the world’s nations.
“This text must be circulated in the halls of government in every country, so that the heads of state in government that will COP 21 can align ministers and negotiators on a path to a strong, durable agreement,” Figueres said.
Will Congress block Obama climate agenda?
Tom DeWeese, president of the American Policy Center and another expert on the U.N.’s global sustainability initiatives, said Congress will be the key to stopping Obama’s U.N. climate-change agenda.
“The result, if Congress again refuses to act to stop it, will be higher energy prices, higher taxes and shortages. It will affect every corner of the economy,” DeWeese said. “It will mean loss of more jobs. And loss of American independence and sovereignty. The U.N. will become much stronger.”
Unless Congress acts to block it. Then the whole debacle would be rendered a failure, DeWeese said.
Included in the draft text is a call to establish a global climate court, or “tribunal,” as WND reported a month ago. Key economic policies that don’t meet the standards agreed to could result in the U.S. being hauled into the world court by another nation or group of nations.
According to the proposed draft text of the climate deal, the climate tribunal would take up issues such as “climate justice,” “climate finance” of projects for Third World countries, “technology transfers” and “climate debt.”
U.N. calls for global climate court
The call for a world climate court is buried on Page 19 of the 34-page draft text that will be considered in Paris.
Like Wood, DeWeese says redistribution of wealth and the erosion of national sovereignty are the main objectives of the U.N. agenda, which is put forth in the he U.N.’s new 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.
“One more thing they are going to again push for is a huge global tax on the industrial nations to pay reparations for nations that have suffered from global warming they say is caused by first world nations,” DeWeese said. “This has been the road block that has caused the past several such conferences to fail. The failing economies of industrial nations simply can’t afford such folly.”
More than 130 developing nations – “led by South Africa and instigated by China and India” – are insisting they will not sign a climate deal in Paris unless it contains massive redistribution of wealth from developed to poor nations.
“Now they want the power to haul the U.S. and its allies before a U.N. Star Chamber to enforce compliance,” writes Craig Rucker, executive director and co-founder of CFACT
He said the average citizen will directly feel the effects of this conference through their city or county’s local development plans, as sustainable development is stepped up by the planning associations. The feds will encourage this process by offering grants through HUD.
DeWeese said Obama may play hard ball to force climate change funding through Congress by threatening to close down the government.
“This would be the perfect time for Congress to get a backbone and simply let him do it,” he said. “The majority of Americans are fast learning that the climate-change issue is a hoax, and for Obama to try such hardball over a policy that will cost them more sacrifice and more money would perhaps damage him beyond repair.”
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