Saturday, 27 June 2015

Iran evades sanctions to defend against EMP

WASHINGTON – With a deadline looming on nuclear talks with Iran, Tehran has revealed it has developed a “filter” to protect against an electromagnetic pulse attack targeting key national security facilities.

In a little-noticed comment, Saeid Rahimi, director of the Kosar Information and Communication Technology Institute, told the Tehran-based Mehr News Agency that Iran had obtained such products despite Western sanctions.

Rahimi said Iran had acquired the technology, based on illegally acquired surge arresters, at “considerable costs and various strategies.”

Rahimi said his Kosar ICT “knowledge-based group has managed to domestically manufacture” the EMP filter for the first time in Iran.

The filter, which has been approved by security authorities, will be installed “in a number of vital centers in Iran,” he said.

Former Defense Department analyst Michael Maloof’s “A Nation Forsaken” exposes the threat that could send America back to the 19th century in a literal flash.

In an email to WND, George Anderson, founder of Emprimus, a company dedicated to protecting critical U.S. infrastructures from a natural and man-made EMP event, said that such equipment is “specialized” and is prohibited from export to Iran.

‘Something wrong with this picture’

Peter Pry, executive director of the congressional advisory boards Task Force on National and Homeland Security and U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, told WND that Kahimi’s admission shows that Iran “has been hardening key facilities against EMP attack for some time.”

“Since Iran openly admits it is cheating on EMP filters — going to great trouble and expense to circumvent international sanctions prohibiting the import of EMP filters — it seems very likely they would continue to cheat to advance their even higher priority nuclear weapons program,” Pry said.

He noted Iran admits it broke the sanctions regime on EMP filters on June 13 while it is scheduled to sign a nuclear deal with the West on June 30.

“Is there something wrong with this picture?” Pry asked.

He questioned why Iran is going to the trouble to protect itself from a nuclear EMP attack.

“Iran’s recently translated military textbook and other military writings describe making a nuclear EMP attack against the United States as a way of defeating the U.S. and eliminating America as an actor on the world stage,” Pry said.

“Is Iran protecting itself against nuclear EMP attack a reflection of what they plan to do to others?”

Because of concerns that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon, Israel and the United States have spoken of a “military option” against Iran’s nuclear facilities, with an EMP attack on the Islamic Republic’s command, control and communications facilities as well as its air defense system being one option.

Pry pointed to the photo the Mehr News Agency used to illustrate its short article.

It shows a satellite making an EMP attack, “projecting an EMP field over a large area of the globe below.”


Mehr News Agency illustration

He pointed out that earlier this year, Ronald Reagan’s “national security brain trust” had published an article saying Iran has orbited several satellites that appear to practice nuclear EMP attacks against the United States.

The brain trust, Pry said, is comprised of William Graham, who was Reagan’s science adviser; Ambassador Henry Cooper, director of the Strategic Defense Initiative under President George H. W. Bush; and Fritz Ermarth, former chairman of the National Intelligence Council.

Pry also has co-authored an article titled “Experts: Iran Now a Nuclear-Ready State, Missiles Capable of Hitting US.”

In the article, the authors said that despite uncertainties and unknowns about Iran’s nuclear weapons and missile programs, there was enough known now to “make a prudent judgment that Iran should be regarded by national security decision makers as a nuclear missile state capable of posing an existential threat to the United States and its allies.”

Pry told WND that Iran has orbited several satellites on south polar trajectories to evade U.S. early-warning radars and the National Missile Defense System at altitudes that would place an EMP field over all 48 contiguous U.S. states.

He said North Korean scientists are in Iran helping them with their missile and satellite program.

“North Korea also appears to have practiced a satellite EMP attack, during the worst ever nuclear crisis with Pyongyang in 2013, when dictator Kim Jong-Un was for months threatening to make a nuclear strike against the U.S. and its allies,” Pry said.

Satellite delivery

The Reagan experts warned in their article that Iran may already have nuclear weapons and the capability to make an EMP attack by satellite against “any nation on Earth.”

In the article, the authors said Iran has shown a capability to orbit satellites weighing over a ton, “which means it could also deliver a nuclear warhead against the U.S. or any nation on Earth.”

“Indeed, Iran has orbited several satellites on south polar trajectories passing over the Western hemisphere from south to north, as if practicing to elude US. Ballistic Missile Early Warning Radars and National Missile Defenses, which are oriented to detect and intercept threats coming from the north.

“Moreover,” the article said, “the altitude of these satellites, if they were carrying a nuclear weapon detonated over the center of the U.S., was in all three cases near optimum for generating an electromagnetic pulse field across all 48 contiguous United States. EMP could cause a protracted blackout of the national electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures.”

Pry told WND it was “amazing” that “this game-changing analysis by some of the Free World’s best scientific and strategic minds was virtually ignored.”

Pry, a former analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency and staff director of the congressionally mandated EMP Commission, suggested that the Obama administration may already know that Iran has a nuclear EMP attack capability that could “threaten America’s existence.”

“Does this explain why Obama is virtually abandoning the Middle East to Iran, abandoning longstanding U.S. allies, is appeasing Iran and even apparently trying to forge a new strategic relationship that replaces Israel with Iran as the primary U.S. partner in the Middle East?” Pry asked.

He suggested that the “protracted, unending negotiation” with Iran on its nuclear program is part of the concern over the Obama administration appeasing Iran.

“(Is the) U.S. trying to keep the fact of a nuclear armed Iran in the closet … as part of a new understanding, a new ‘normalized’ relationship between Washington and Tehran?” Pry asked.

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