The liberal/progressive mind is steeped in hypocrisy and double standard.
History began yesterday. Truth is the fleeting outrage of the moment. Nothing else matters.
Christians who refuse to violate their conscience and cater — whether it’s by baking a cake, photographing, making flower arrangements or hosting nuptials in their establishments — to homosexual “weddings” are bigots and haters, the liberal/progressive tells us. Upon establishing their businesses, Christians must check their belief system at the door. The Christian business owner’s principles become secondary to the privileges and desires of the customer.
Any deviation from this established dogma subjects the Christian business owner to state-sponsored harassment, fines, threats of imprisonment and sensitivity/diversity training courses, aka re-education camp. Such abuse is reasonable to the liberal/progressive.
But Wal-Mart’s refusing to bake a cake emblazoned with a Confederate battle flag and the words “Heritage not Hate” is a principled stand and perfectly acceptable to the liberal/progressive mind. When something the “tolerant” leftists will not tolerate is involved, refusal of service is a virtuous stand.
After all, erasing the Confederate battle flag from our history by shoving it down the memory hole would have prevented a lunatic from shooting nine people in a church, we are told in so many words.
In its statement on the ban of all things Confederate, Wal-Mart claimed, “We never want to offend anyone with the products we offer.”
The liberal/progressive advocates for an end to all things offensive, except for those things offensive to Christians.
The Christian must just “grin and bear it,” while the liberal/progressive snacks on a slice of hypocrisy cake.
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