Guns kill and, President Barack Obama says, so does the Confederate flag. According to the president, it is a symbol for white racism; it is a flag that encourages the South to take false pride in an ugly heritage that can lead to white supremacy.
Obama laid it all out last Friday when he was the guest celebrity eulogist for the Rev. Clementa Pinckney. The South Carolina state senator was one of nine people senselessly slaughtered on June 17 in Charleston, South Carolina, during a Bible study at Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. They died at the hands of either a psychopath or a white racist who was inspired at least in part by the Confederate flag.
At the memorial, Obama said:
For too long, we were blind to the pain that the Confederate flag stirred in too many of our citizens. … But as people from all walks of life, Republicans and Democrats, now acknowledge — including Gov. (Nikki) Haley, whose recent eloquence on the subject is worthy of praise — as we all have to acknowledge, the flag has always represented more than just ancestral pride.
… By taking down that flag, we express God’s grace.
What does Obama know about God’s grace? It is hard to know which God he worships or whether or not he even believes in God. Is it the fire-and-brimstone God that his Chicago Christian pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, educated him on? Is it Allah, the Muslim god that his father instructed him on? Or is “God” a powerful political word for Obama to bandy about because the real Obama is an atheist.
I don’t know how you feel; but I get the notion that when the president provides his understanding of God’s wishes, they are really Obama’s wishes.
Certainly, Obama was using God and the Christian pulpit last Friday when he heaped shame on the Southern whites at an inappropriate time: at a funeral for a dead Southern pastor.
In the end, it wasn’t so much a eulogy for Pinckney as it was a domestic policy speech and the need for economic, social and racial reform in the United States.
And the president did it in true Obama fashion by pontificating, lecturing and scorning the South.
As one Obama insider said, the president’s lecture to the country on race capped off his best week. If the best week for the president is locking down Obamacare, guaranteeing gay marriage and fermenting worse racism, then the insider was right: Obama hit the trifecta.
It was the climax to a week where the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act as law and legalized gay marriage throughout the nation. Then came the climax: The President was asked to do what he does best — give a memorial speech for black victims murdered by a crazed white man who had a photo taken with the Confederate flag, that shameful flag that was the banner to enslave blacks.
No Obama sermon would be complete without a lecture on gun control. With dozens of members of Congress at the funeral, Obama reiterated his call for stricter gun laws:
For too long, we’ve been blind to the unique mayhem that gun violence inflicts upon this nation. Sporadically, our eyes are open: When eight of our brothers and sisters are cut down in a church basement, 12 in a movie theater, 26 in an elementary school. But I hope we also see the 30 precious lives cut short by gun violence in this country every single day …
But Obama’s post-tragedy pulpit speech gives him a way to interpret America’s ills. And it is no surprise that none of it stems from blacks but from ignorant whites, particularly in the South, which almost ripped the union apart for the sake of enslaving the black man.
Obama’s notion of the truth is that African-Americans are the God-loving people of the country who understand grace. For Obama, too many whites are white supremacists who will never understand the helplessness of the African-American who has been enslaved, lynched and economically repressed by racism.
However, with the help of the federal government, racist whites can be reeducated and will finally embrace the African-Americans for what they really are — typified by Obama — as a special subset of Americans who are akin to the lost tribe of Israel. Past injustices to African-Americans can never be washed away. But in true Obama fashion, this can be addressed by greater government giveaways and an even greater voice for the liberal message in the mainstream media.
All of this will work out very well for a bigger welfare state and the Frankenstein legacy that Obama has blueprinted for himself. The plan was crafted by the liberal progressives before 2007, and its endgame is to take away our guns. After all, sometimes whites shoot blacks.
Barack has left the building
I was a teenager when I got a front-row seat to see Elvis at the Las Vegas Hilton. He belted out “Amazing Grace.”
Watching Obama sing it front and center at the memorial for Pinckney last Friday was like watching an Elvis impersonator. If you watch it, you can see Obama is totally into the moment. It was not a moment of Obama remembering a good man who was senselessly murdered along with eight others. It was the moment for Obama to have the world see him shine — as a healer and a singer. Even if the president could sing, the nation needs a good leader, not a celebrity.
It is as if because Obama is half black, he understands pain and loss — things no white person can ever understand. And Obama has the ultimate VIP pass. He is half black, and he is the most powerful man in the world.
It is laughable to imagine a white president singing “Amazing Grace” after mayhem befell a black community. But Obama has the ultimate American Express card. He is welcome on Jimmy Kimmel’s show and by all of Hollywood and its producers and writers, who change history when it comes to the Civil War and the constant injustice and violence perpetuated by whites against blacks.
Leon Trotsky would see this as a mechanism to divide a country. As for Obama, I don’t think he cares about America or Americans. His real goal is to build his legacy and use that to drag the nation further left.
It’s surprising when you consider that Obama cannot see any evil in Islam, saying Islam is a religion of peace that has little or nothing to do with the continuing global jihad. But anytime white violence touches what he calls his black brothers and sisters, his knee-jerk reaction is to attack white racists.
For any wrong endured by a black man, woman or child, Obama is there. He is there with his love for America (black America). He is there with his progressive ideals. He is there to point out how white Americans should feel endless guilt for the way blacks are treated and murdered every week at the hands of whites, while ignoring black-on-black and black-on-white murders.
The liar king
America is on a course of black dissatisfaction. The president has declared that blacks deserve more from our government, while whites see only Obama’s accusatory finger.
This is a despicable labeling of race and generations against the South. Obama went so far on Friday as to compare the gun rampage by an avowed white supremacist as an act of terrorism, linking it to America’s long history of racist church bombings and arsons.
Obama said the shooting was not a random act, but a “means of control, a way to terrorize and oppress,” a continuation of what Obama has labeled “original sin.”
To Obama, Southern plantation owners ripped blacks out of Africa’s Garden of Eden and enslaved them. The truth is that before slavery, Africans lived short, brutish lives with disease, starvation, never-ending tribal wars and — oh, yes — black slavery.
But let’s not have the truth get in the way of a grand legacy. There is a stir across the South, some sponsored by Republicans, to pull down the Confederate flag. Big retailers like Wal-Mart have already stopped selling the flag, while the mass media have explained that it is a hateful relic that should have been shelved a century ago.
Almost nobody wants to examine what caused the Civil War. It started over excessive taxes against the South, economic domination by the North and the armed invasion of the Southern states ordered by the Union Army of President Abraham Lincoln.
In an opinion piece on, Roger K. Broxton, president of the Confederate Heritage Fund, pointed out: “Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.”
History changes, especially for the leaders in our government, the mass media and public school boards around the country. Lincoln was the Great Emancipator who freed the slaves and built the bedrock of what would become the American Industrial Revolution. And I have seen over the past seven years nothing that suggests that Obama doesn’t want to be chiseled into American history just as Josef Stalin engraved himself as the Soviet hero.
It was pointed out on a CNN debate with Don Lemon last week that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, yet there is a monument to him in Washington that no one has asked to be torn down. Lemon said: “There may come a day when we may want to rethink Jefferson.”
Hopefully, we will never see such a day. But I think it is possible that the Jefferson Memorial could be torn down and in its place an Obama Memorial erected right there on the National Mall. I am not saying it will happen. But if America keeps shifting further toward the dead end of blaming whites today for what happened 50 to 300 years ago, the nation is going to be torn apart — ripped to shreds by race revisionists, rabble-rousers and wealth redistributors who are the heart of the Democratic Party. Like their leader Obama, their actions costs them nothing. Men like Jefferson put everything at risk for principal. Yet we may want to tear down Jefferson and build up Obama? If that doesn’t show how far this country has gone to hell, nothing does.
Yours in good times and bad,
–John Myers
The post Obama’s amazing disgrace appeared first on Personal Liberty.
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