Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Bernie Sanders: ‘We will raise taxes. Yes, we will’

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders

Self-declared socialist Bernie Sanders pledged at CNN’s sponsored town hall debate to raise taxes if he was elected president – to, in effect, act like a socialist.

“We will raise taxes,” he said, to moderator Chris Cuomo. “Yes, we will.”

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His comments came in response to a question about his health care plan, which included government-provided treatment for each and every American. The funding, he said, for his lofty plan would come from the pockets of taxpayers.
Sanders released his tax plan for American just a few days ago, and as Forbes put it: His ideas are “aggressive,” to say the least.

“Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took a break from yelling at clouds long enough to release his tax plan … and it’s, how should I put this … aggressive,” wrote Tony Nitti, in a piece entitled “Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Plan, Nation’s Rich Recoil in Horror,” on Forbes.

Nick Adams’ book, “The American Boomerang: How The World’s Greatest Turnaround Nation Will Do It Again,” is endorsed by the likes of Dr. Ben Carson, Glenn Beck, Dick Morris, Gov. Mike Huckabee and Dennis Prager

His plan is to tax the rich at 52 percent, and to abolish capital gains and dividends’ perceived special tax treatments. He’d also limit itemized deductions to a 28 percent rate.

But Sanders has said on several occasions his tax hikes would actually lead to more money in Americans’ pockets.

“Sanders argues that his universal health care plan would save the U.S. $6 trillion over the next decade, while a family of four earning $50,000 would see its annual healthcare costs plummet from $6,200 to $466,” Nitti wrote on Forbes.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/01/26/bernie-sanders-we-will-raise-taxes-yes-we-will/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/01/26/bernie-sanders-we-will-raise-taxes-yes-we-will/

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