Saturday, 30 January 2016

The secret to Ted Cruz’s faith

Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck

Editor’s note: To understand Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, says Glenn Beck, it’s absolutely imperative to look at the man who helped shape the Texas senator’s character and devout Christian faith – his father, Rafael Cruz.

In the elder Cruz’s just-released book, “A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America,” published by WND Books, Rafael, a refugee from communist Cuba, lays out his vision for America. Specifically he provides a detailed and inspired blueprint for how Christians can and must take their country back from the secular progressive forces that have come to dominate the once Judeo-Christian nation.

The book also includes a powerful 3,000-plus word “Epilogue” by Sen. Ted Cruz, full of little-known details regarding what he would do if elected president this November.

Top radio and TV broadcaster Glenn Beck penned the inspiring “Foreword” to “A Time for Action,” which is excerpted below:

“Foreword” to “A Time for Action”

by Glenn Beck

Dads are arguably the most influential people on the planet. The power they wield over their children is immeasurable. Something as simple as an approving glance can fill a child with confidence, security, and love. On the other hand, as all dads have surely experienced, a moment of indifference or outburst of anger can crush a tiny, fragile soul. You’ve probably heard the phrase “Behind every good man is an even better woman,” and that’s true. But an even greater truth is that behind every great man is an even greater father.

When Ted Cruz first landed on my radar screen, I didn’t know what to make of him. I liked what he was saying about the Constitution, liberty, and God. I admired his ability to effortlessly articulate conservative principles and values, a quality shockingly absent among most if not all GOP candidates in the past several decades. One of the great failures of the Republican Party has been the failure to vigorously defend these principles and values. It’s a spectacular failure because not only are they the bedrock of this nation, but they have the added bonus of a proven track record. They work! Conservatives have the incredible advantage and luxury of the winning argument being on their side, yet few if any candidates have demonstrated the ability and the confidence to speak this truth boldly.

SPECIAL OFFER: Get an autographed copy of Rafael Cruz’s powerful new book, “A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America,” at a discounted price, from the WND Superstore.

Ted Cruz has this ability. But here’s the rub. I’ve seen this song and dance before. Candidate comes along and tickles ears with soaring rhetoric and quotes from Ronald Reagan. We make signs, donate time and perhaps even money, defend them in public and on the air. We propel them into office and wait for them to start working on everything they promised out on the campaign trail. Then we notice something is wrong. I don’t know whether it’s a calculated choice or not, but something happens when they arrive within the city limits of Washington, D.C. The constitutional conservative we all fell in love with disappears, swallowed up by the progressive establishment GOP. Next thing we know, they’re supporting all kinds of giant government legislation, and we’re back to square one. So, I was cautiously optimistic but certainly not convinced about the authenticity of Ted Cruz.

Then I met Ted’s father, Rafael Cruz, and any shred of doubt quickly vanished. I was fascinated as he told me his incredible story of growing up in Cuba and becoming a revolutionary fighter in the 1950s with Fidel Castro’s army. While most seventeen-year-olds were finishing up high school, Rafael Cruz was leading a group of insurgents in a plot against Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. Cruz was caught, thrown in jail, and brutally tortured. This horrific experience only emboldened him to continue the fight, but eventually he decided it was better to get out. He fled to America and ended up at the University of Texas. He had barely any money to his name and could hardly speak English, but he was determined. While he was at UT, he learned that Castro, with whom he’d been fighting, was a communist. He realized it was wrong to have fought for him and actively did what he could to now fight against him. This time his weapons were letters and the power of persuasion as he tried to convince his former band of brothers that this was not the cause they should be fighting for.

Rafael Cruz understood the horrors of socialism and communism better than most. He suffered both physically and mentally and barely survived his youth. Most of the candidates you will see onstage in this election cycle do truly appreciate and value freedom, but they’ll never be able to relate in the same way Ted Cruz can. You see, dads wield incredible amounts of power. And when Rafael Cruz told his teenage son about the torture, the fighting, the oppression, the murder, and the communist hellhole he grew up in – there’s no doubt that imagery shook his young son to the core and burned an unforgettable image and feeling that would never, ever go away.

Many candidates throw around constitutional clichés in hopes of moving the approval rating a few points. The fight for freedom is very real for the Cruz family. The Constitution holds extremely emotional and personal value for them because they know firsthand what it’s like not to have it. Most Americans take freedom for granted and assume it will always be here no matter whom we elect into office. In the history of humankind, freedom is the rarest of societal experiments. More than 95 percent of all human civilization has lived under what could be considered oppressive regimes. Truly free countries, such as America, have existed only 5 percent of the time since humans have walked the earth. What an incredible gift and privilege we have been given to live in such a time and in such a place. Trapped in our comforts, we cannot comprehend this. I would go so far as to wager that some candidates cower to political correctness because they don’t really believe deep down to their core that freedom is under attack. They don’t really believe that your rights under the Constitution will ever be stripped away. They just see it as a way to gain supporters and eventually power.

Ted Cruz will do anything to protect and preserve freedom. He has shown this time and time again in the belly of the beast in Washington, DC. He has fearlessly stood up not just to Democrats but to the kingmakers in the GOP as well. Think of the attacks this man has withstood. The brunt of his own party has been thrust down on him many times – he single-handedly has been blamed for shutting down the government. It’s one of the most ludicrous arguments ever made, but Ted had to grin and bear it because he stood for what he believed while few had the courage to stand alongside him. Some have accused him of creating political stunts and grandstanding, but this is simply not accurate. Those are the actions of a weak, greedy, selfish person. Ted’s motivation stems from a very real, authentic, and personal place. He is doing this because he believes it. And he believes it because his father taught him and told him everything he experienced.

You’d be hard-pressed to find a better American story than this one: former Cuban revolutionary flees to America with no money and can’t speak the language – and now his son is a sitting United States senator who is running for president.

How awesome is that?

Behind every great man is an even greater father. And let it be stated for the record unequivocally: Rafael Cruz is one of the greatest freedom fighters of his generation.

SPECIAL OFFER: Get an autographed copy of Rafael Cruz’s powerful new book, “A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America,” at a discounted price, from the WND Superstore.

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