Saturday, 30 January 2016

Huckabee: I’m prepared to stop all abortions

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee

While the Republican presidential field has many candidates saying they’re pro-life, only former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is declaring his intention, if elected, to challenge abortion directly in the courts.

“There’s a better approach. We don’t have to pass a constitutional amendment,” Huckabee told CBN News’ David Brody in an exclusive interview.

“We already have two: the Fifth and 14th Amendments. The Fifth Amendment says that you cannot deprive somebody of life or liberty unless there’s due process. The 14th Amendment says that states neither can do that, and they have to provide equal protection under the law.

“What it means is really simple: if the unborn child is a person, they’re already protected under the Fifth and 14th Amendments. It just requires a president who appoints an attorney general who will recognize the personhood of every person from conception forward and say, ‘We have a constitutional obligation to protect people.’”

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”

This is not a new stance for Huckabee. WND reported in September on Huckabee’s speech at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., to honor some of America’s most courageous Christians.

Noting his anger that the current Republican majority wasn’t doing anything differently than when they were in the minority, Huckabee promised to take the lead in pro-life matters if elected, and that, he said, meant a lot more than just trying to cut funding for Planned Parenthood.

Declaring he would advocate for personhood for the unborn and defend their Fifth Amendment rights, he said, “It’s time to quit taking a punch in the gut, and give this government a kick in the butt!”

That was his same message to the Brody File.

“We can do more than slow down abortion. We can stop it,” he said

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Huckabee acknowledged that if his attorney general begins challenging abortion on demand using the Fifth and 14th Amendments, his administration will be in for a court fight. But he’s confident it’s a fight that can be won.

“The only question in the court becomes is the unborn child a person? I’m willing to have that battle in court because … bring the best biologists in the world, put them under oath and ask them when 23 chromosomes from a man and 23 from a woman merge at fertilization, is that a life? And if it is a life, what is it? Is it a puppy? Is it a dolphin? Is it a stalk of broccoli? No, it’s a human life.”

Whether Huckabee’s confidence in the ultimate success of his argument is well-placed remains to be seen, but among his fellow GOP candidates, he is taking the strongest stand on the issue, saying neither pro-lifers nor a Huckabee administration can afford to wait for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade on its own.

from PropagandaGuard

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