Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Left-leaning TV talker: Trump looks more ‘leader’ than Obama

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Left-leaning “Hardball” host Chris Matthews said on his recent MSNBC broadcast Donald Trump actually seems more of a leader than President Obama did at the start of his campaign – a somewhat surprising claim from the news host who once said he felt a thrill on his leg whenever Obama spoke.

Matthews first called it “really smart” of Trump to bring former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin into his fold, because it appears he’s building a “kind of Trump team, Trump party.”

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He then said: “I think it shows him a leader. You can always tell if somebody’s a leader or not, you look behind him, anybody following? With Obama, for a long time, nobody back there, just him.”

Trump, meanwhile, is making great strides in leading the polls, and establishing himself in the eyes of the American people as White House material, Matthews said.

“This guy looks like he’s building a force in the party,” Matthews said. “Even Ted Cruz seems to be hobbling along behind him … you know [like] the guy you go hunting with?”

Matthews is not known as a big Republican supporter. In 2010, he dug in on comments he made at the start of Obama’s first presidential campaign, saying the then-candidate gave him chills when he spoke. For those comments, Matthews earned the nickname of “Tingles.”

In 2010, Matthews then said: “You know, I get the same thrill up my leg, all over me, every time I hear those words. I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen, that’s me. He’s talking about my country, and nobody does it better.”

Trump enters Thursday’s debate on Fox News with the highest poll numbers of all Republican candidates.

from PropagandaGuard

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