Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Hillary’s mega-donors also funding Jeb


Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush

Hillary Clinton’s biggest donors to her Democratic presidential campaign seem to have at least one thing in common: they’re giving to Republican Jeb Bush, too.

The Daily Beast found more than 60 wealthy Americans, mostly business people, have donated to both Clinton’s and Bush’s past campaigns. Seventeen of those 60 or so have also donated to both Bush’s and Clinton’s ongoing presidential campaigns, Vocativ found.

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Among the dual-sided donors are racetrack owners, bankers, media giants, chicken-industry executives, and hedge fund players, along with their wives, the news outlet found.

And according to Larry Noble, a senior counsel for the Campaign Legal Center, it’s not that uncommon, at least for those with a lot of money to spare.

“Some of them will say they believe in the process, but the truth is you usually see them giving to people who will be most helpful to them if [the politician] gets into office,” he said, the Daily Beast reported. “They are not necessarily Republicans or Democrats, they are business people first.”

Examples: John Tyson, chairman of Tyson Foods, donated $25,000 to Clinton for her 2016 run and $27,700 to Bush, for the same purpose. Richard Parsons, ex-Time Warner chief and current senior adviser at Providence Equity Partners Inc., gave $2,700 each – the maximum – to both Clinton and Bush presidential campaigns. And David Stevens, CEO of Mortgage Bankers Association, donated $2,700 to Hillary for America and $1,000 to Jeb 2016.

“While [Clinton and Bush] don’t make commitments,” Stevens said, the news outlet reported, “obviously, I want to make sure my views are presented to them because they are considered more center-left or center-right.”


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