Kathleen Willey, one of the women caught in the crossfire of alleged sexual harassment by former President Bill Clinton and what she characterizes as acts of intimidation to silence her, has taken issue with Hillary Clinton’s remarks last week comparing terrorists to Republicans engaged in a so-called war on women.
“This woman wrote the book on terrorizing women, on terrorism,” exclaimed Willey during an interview Sunday on Aaron Klein’s Investigative Radio program.
Continued Willey: “Her tactics and the things that she set in motion against all the women like me, the ones you have heard of and the ones you haven’t heard of, and the ones who are so scared that fled the country, are terrorist tactics like I’ve never seen before.”
“I went through them. I lived through them. And I know exactly what I am talking about. She is the war on women. I don’t care what anybody says.”
Campaigning on Thursday, Mrs. Clinton made the controversial remarks about Republicans and terrorists.
“Now, extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups,” Clinton said. “But it’s a little hard to take coming from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States.”
Drawing on Clinton’s comments, Willey compared herself and other alleged female victims of the Clintons to women targeted by ISIS.
“This is a woman who is comparing the Republicans to terrorists?” Willey asked Klein. “Terrorists who behead women, who deface women, who burn women alive. And on and on and on and on?”
“And I can tell you, knowing what I know, and reading what I’ve read, and having talked to people, other women, who have been in the same boat that I have been in, basically in the crosshairs of the Clintons. The one difference between me and the poor women who are the victims of ISIS and all the other terrorist groups is that our heads are still attached. That’s the difference.”
Willey is author of the 2007 book “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton.”
During Sunday’s interview, Willey alleged Hillary Clinton led a smear campaign against her, Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers.
“She put it all into motion,” Willey stated. “She was the lead person on that. She was the one in charge of the bimbo eruptions.”
“And speaking about that, she was outraged by Donald Trump’s description of Megyn Kelly. Let’s go back and think about the names that she called people. Number one, she has been calling me a bimbo for 18 years.”
“Bimbo eruption came out of Hillary’s mouth,” Willey told Klein. “And Betsey Wright’s mouth. And she called Monica a narcissistic looney tune. And she called Paula (Jones) ‘If you drag a hundred dollars to the trailer park.’ And she called Gennifer Flowers a slut. On and on and on. So who’s calling women names?”
Willey asked, “At the Democratic debate, who is going to ask the questions about Hillary Clinton and her war on women? Who is going to come up and ask her about the things she did to the women that had unfortunately crossed paths with her husband?”
Last month, Willey took to Klein’s program to announce the launch of an anti-Hillary Clinton website titled “A Scandal A Day.” “The site is partially aimed at recruiting other women who may have been assaulted by the former president.
Willey said that while she was writing her 2007 book, “Target,” she was anonymously contacted by other women who claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton.
She told Klein in July the women who called her “were afraid to talk to me because they were afraid my phone was being tapped.”
“They didn’t give me their names. They gave me incidences, time, places, where things happened and what happened.”
She continued: “And frankly I was pretty horrified by some of the things they told me. And they were scared to death of Hillary Clinton. And I don’t blame them.
As WND reported, Willey and her husband, Ed, were Democratic activists who founded Virginians for Clinton and helped send Bill and Hillary to the White House in 1992.
While serving as a volunteer in the White House and facing financial hard times, Willey says she met with Bill Clinton in the Oval Office to request a paying position. But instead of getting help, she says, she was subjected to “nothing short of serious sexual harassment.”
Distraught, Willey fled Clinton’s presence, only to discover that her husband Ed had committed suicide that same tragic afternoon.
Later, she was drawn “unwillingly” into the Paula Jones lawsuit, the Ken Starr investigation and impeachment proceedings.
Willey also claims the Clinton tag team was behind a string of events that can only be described as a mob-style intimidation campaign to keep her silent. It even included breaking into her home to steal her memoirs of the events.
from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2015/08/30/kathleen-willey-hillary-wrote-the-book-on-terrorizing-women/
from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2015/08/30/kathleen-willey-hillary-wrote-the-book-on-terrorizing-women/
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