Monday, 31 August 2015

Will Romney jump in presidential race?

(OBSERVER) — There is on the edge of the spectrum a thought awakening that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who ran for President in 2008 and 2012, might get back in the race. It comes naturally to think so. Before the race got seriously underway Mr. Romney met with Jeb Bush to consider their fates. Mr. Romney’s wife Ann went so far back then as to suggest on Cavuto that If Jeb ran, Mitt would stay out, as they both represented a similar center of establishment principles and would appeal to the same donor base. This past week, three of Mr. Bush’s key advisors have slipped away as Mr. Trump has made unprecedented advances in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, the three states, as former Governor of Texas Rick Perry has said recently, where the race to 2016 is to be won.

As Mr. Trump rises, and the Real Clear Politics current average has him ahead of the pack in New Hampshire at 28.3 percent, he rises at the expense of Mr. Bush, who is at nine percent in the same poll.

So as the “establishment” candidate, Mr. Bush, is suddenly being viewed as circling the drain, the frantic call goes out to Mr. Romney to enter and save the day.

YOUR READ IT HERE FIRST! AUG. 24, 2015: Big-name Republican to jump in race, challenge Trump?

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